


主持或参加科研项目(课题)及人才计划项目情况(按时间倒序排序): 1.广东省科技厅基金项目(2016ZC0136),项目名称:p53-ant定向修复膀胱肿瘤干细胞p53功能,起止时间:2016.10-2019.10 经费 10万,在研,主持。 2.广东省科技厅基金项目 (2013B021800199),项目名称:膀胱癌遗传位点的精细定位及功能分析,起止年月:2014.10-2018.10,经费 6.5万元,在研项目,主持。 3.广东省医学科学技术研究基金(A2010255),项目名称:含TK-IRES-ES非融合基因重组腺相关病毒的构建及其功能的初步鉴定, 起止时间:2010.10-2012.12经费2万,已结题,第二参与者负责实验设计。 4.广州医学院博士启动资金(0706068),项目名称:基因重组TK-IRES-Endostatin腺相关病毒双靶点治疗膀胱癌载体的构建及其生物学功能的初步鉴定,起止时间:2008.1-2010.12、已结题,主持。 5.广州卫生局一般引导项目(2008-YB-167)项目名称:基因重组TK-IRES-Endostatin腺相关病毒双靶点治疗膀胱癌,起止时间:2008.1-2010.12已结题,主持。 6.天津市重大科技攻关项目(06YFSZSF03900)项目名称:基因重组TK-IRES-Endostatin腺相关病毒双靶点治疗膀胱癌的实验研究,起止时间:2006.1-2008.12已结题,第二参与者负责实验设计及部分细胞学实。

代表性研究成果和学术奖励情况 (1) Pan JG#, Jiang C#, Luo R, Zhou X.Association of metabolic syndrome and benign prostatic hyperplasia in Chinese patients of different age decades.Urol Int. 2014;93(1):10-16. (2) Pan JG#, Liu M#, Zhou X.Relationship between lower urinary tract symptoms and metabolic syndrome in a Chinese male population.J Endocrinol Invest. 2014 Apr;37(4):339-344. (3) Jian Gang P#, Mo L#, Lu Y, Runqi L, Xing Z.Diabetes mellitus and the risk of prostate cancer: an update and cumulative meta-analysis.Endocr Res. 2015;40(1):54-61. (4) Pan J#, Liu M#, Zhou X.Can intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin reduce recurrence in patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer? An update and cumulative meta-analysis.Front Med. 2014 Jun;8(2):241-249. (5) Pan JG, Zhou X, Zeng GW, Han RF.Potent antitumour activity of the combination of HSV-TK and endostatin armed oncolytic adeno-associated virus for bladder cancer in vitro and in vivo.J Surg Oncol. 2012 Mar;105(3):249-257. (6) Pan JG, Luo RQ, Zhou X, Han RF, Zeng GW.Suppression of bladder cancer growth by adeno-associated virus vector-mediated combination of HSV-TK and endostatin in vitro.Clin Lab. 2013;59(9-10):1077-1089. (7) Pan JG, Zhou X, Luo R, Han RF.The adeno-associated virus-mediated HSV-TK/GCV suicide system: a potential strategy for the treatment of bladder carcinoma.Med Oncol. 2012 Sep;29(3):1938-1947. (8) Pan JG, Zhou X*, Zeng GW, Han RF.Suppression of bladder cancer growth in mice by adeno-associated virus vector-mediated endostatin expression.Tumour Biol. 2011 Apr;32(2):301-310. (9) 潘建刚,周兴,韩瑞发. 联合自杀基因及内皮抑素基因双靶点治疗膀胱癌的实验研究, 中华医学杂志, 2008,88(38):2700-2704. (10) Han Ruifa, Pan Jiangang. Can Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-guerin Reduce the Recurrence in Patients With Superficial Bladder Cancer? A Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials. UROLOGY, 2006,67(6): 1216-1223.

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