姓名:张春芳 性别:女
职 称:副主任医师
专 业:围产医学、环境与优生
2.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,81370775,围产期BDE-209暴露后ROS-MAPK 激活-DNA甲基化下降致子代神经发育毒性的机制研究、2014-01至2017-12,70万元,结题,参加。
3.教育部,高等学校博士专项科研项目,20114423110004,低剂量BDE-209和 BDE-47围生期联合暴露致子鼠神经细胞microRNA的影响,2012-01至2014-12,12万元,结题,参加。
1.Zhang Chunfang, Chen Dunjin*, Liu Xianbao, Du lili. Role of brominated diphenyl ether-209 in the proliferation and apoptosis of rat cultured neural stem cells in vitro. Molecular and Cellular Toxicology, 2016,12(1):45-52
2.Chunfang Zhang, Xianbao Liu*, Hong Zhan, Dunjin Chen. Role of dexmedetomidine in IL-4 and IFN-g expression in rats with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome induced by postpartum bleeding. European Journal of Inflammation,13 (2015), 164-172.
3.Chunfang Zhang, Xianbao Liu, Dunjin Chen*. Role of Brominated diphenly ethers-209 on cell differentiation in Neural Stem Cells in Vitro.International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience,28(2010)497-502
4.Chunfang Zhang, Fuchun Liu, Xianbao Liu, Dunjin Chen*. Protective effect of N-acetylcysteine against BDE-209-induced neurotoxicity in rats in vitro.International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience,28(2010)521-528
5.Jie Song, Zhihua Li, YuTian He, ChuanXin Liu, Bin Sun, ChunFang Zhang,
Jie Zeng, PeiLi Du, Huili Zhang, Yanhong Yu, DunJin Chen*. Decabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE-209) and/or BDE-47 exposure alters protein expression in purified neural stem/progenitor cells determined by proteomics analysis.International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience,33 (2014) 8–14
6.Yanhong Chen, Zhihua Li, Ying Tan, Chunfang Zhang, Jinsi Chen, Fang He, yanhong yu,dunjin chen*. Prenatal exposure to decabrominated diphenyl ether impairs learning ability by altering neural stem cell viability, apoptosis, and differentiation in rat hippocampus. Human & experimental toxicology,2014.
7.Xianbao Liu , Hong Zhan*, Xu Zeng, Chunfang Zhang , Dunjin Chen. The PBDE-209 exposure during pregnancy and lactation impair immune function in rats.Mediators of Inflammation,2012
8.张春芳,杨师琪,刘先保.产后出血临床病例分析.中国妇幼健康研究, 2021, 32(02) :242-246.