招生专业: 病理学与病理生理学
电子邮件: wangyuming2006@hotmail.com
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.1-2019.12,科凯因氏症候群分子发病机制及治疗干预的研究,57万,结题。
(2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022.1-2024.12,DNA损伤修复因子CSB介导lncRNA-ZFAS1调控DNA损伤修复应答的作用机制研究,30万,在研。
(1) 广州市科技计划项目,2021.4-2023.3,黑色素瘤抗原基因Necdin在神经系统退行性改变中的功能研究,5万,在研。
1) Liu J, Wu Z, He J, Wang Y*. Cellular fractionation reveals transcriptome responses of human fibroblasts to UV-C irradiation. Cell death & disease, 2022, 13:177
2) Liu J#, Liu L#, He J#, Xu Y, Wang Y*. Multi-omic analysis of altered transcriptome and epigenetic signatures in the UV-induced DNA damage response. DNA repair (Amst), 2021, 106, 103172
3) Xu Y#, Wu Z#, Liu L#, Liu J, Wang Y*. Rat model of Cockayne syndrome neurological disease. Cell Reports, 2019, 29, 800-809
4) Wu Z#, Zhu X#, Yu Q#, Xu Y, Wang Y*. Multisystem analyses of two Cockayne syndrome associated proteins CSA and CSB reveal shared and unique functions. DNA repair (Amst), 2019, 83: 102696
5) Wang Y, Jones-Tabah J, Chakravarty P, Stewart A, Moutri A, Laposa RR, Svejstrup JQ*. Pharmacological bypass of Cockayne syndrome B function in neuronal differentiation. Cell Reports, 2016, 14(11): 2554-2561
6) Wang Y, Chakravarty P, Ranes M, Kelly G, Brooks PJ, Neilan E, Stewart A, Schiavo G, Svejstrup JQ*. Dysregulation of gene expression as a cause of Cockayne syndrome neurological disease. PNAS, 2014, 111(40): 14454-14459
7) Wang Y, Fairley J, Roberts S*. Phosphorylation of TFIIB links transcription initiation and termination. Current Biology, 2010, 20, 548-553