

窦庆平,男,1956年06月出生,博士研究生,3044澳门永利集团欢迎您基础学院特聘教授,美国韦恩州立大学医学院教授,本课题组依托3044澳门永利集团欢迎您蛋白质修饰与降解实验室,长期从事泛素-蛋白酶体蛋白降解系统的研究工作,侧重于研发蛋白酶体抑制剂,并研究其在肿瘤中的应用。发表论文170余篇,申请及获得专利10余项,发表著作1本(Resistance to Proteasome Inhibitors in Cancer,主编,2014年),担任数十本国际杂志的审稿人。

学习和工作经历:1.2017年03月-至今,3044澳门永利集团欢迎您 基础学院,特聘教授; 2.2003年09月-至今,美国Wayne State University School of Medicine,教授; 3.1998年09月-2003年09月,美国University of South Florida College of Medicine,副教授;4.1993年09月-1998年08月,美国University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,助理教授;5.1988年10月-1993年08月,美国Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School,生物分子药理学,博士后; 6.1982年09月-1988年06月,美国 Rutgers University,化学,博士,导师:Kuang Yu Chen;7.1978年09月-1982年06月,山东大学,化学,学士。



(1) Peng, Tao,Dou, Q Ping. Everolimus Inhibits Growth of Gemcitabine-Resistant Pancreatic Cancer Cells via Induction of Caspase-Dependent Apoptosis and G2 /M Arrest. J Cell Biochem,2017.2.6,118(9): 2722-2730.

(2) Arkwright, Richard,Pham, Tri Minh,Zonder, Jeffrey A,Dou, Q Ping. The preclinical discovery and development of bortezomib for the treatment of mantle cell lymphoma. Expert Opin Drug Discov,2017.2.01,12(2):225~235.

(3) Deshmukh, Rahul R,Kim, Seongho,Elghoul, Yasmine,Dou, Q Ping. P-Glycoprotein Inhibition Sensitizes Human Breast Cancer Cells to Proteasome Inhibitors.J Cell Biochem, 2016.11.4,118(5): 1239-1248.

(4) Ahmed, Reda Saber Ibrahim,Liu, Gang,Renzetti, Andrea,Farshi,Pershang,Yang, Huanjie,Soave, Claire,Saed, Ghassan,El-Ghoneimy, Ashraf Ahmed,El-Banna, Hossny Awad,Foldes, Robert,Chan, Tak-Hang,Dou, Q Ping. Biological and Mechanistic Characterization of Novel Prodrugs of Green Tea Polyphenol Epigallocatechin Gallate Analogs in Human Leiomyoma Cell Lines. J Cell Biochem,2016.10.01,117(10):2357~2369.

(5) Schmitt, Sara M,Neslund-Dudas, Christine,Shen, Min,Cui,Cindy,Mitra, Bharati,Dou, Q Ping.Involvement of ALAD-20S Proteasome Complexes in Ubiquitination and Acetylation of Proteasomal alpha2 Subunits. J Cell Biochem,2016.1.01,117(1):144~151.

(6) Deshmukh, Rahul R,Dou, Q Ping. Proteasome inhibitors induce AMPK activation via CaMKKbeta in human breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2015.8.01, 153(1):79~88.

(7) Zhang, Zhongyu,Bi, Caifeng,Fan, Yuhua,Zhang, Nan,Deshmukh,Rahul,Yan, Xingchen,Lv, Xiuwen,Zhang, Pengfei,Zhang, Xia,Dou, Q Ping. L-Ornithine Schiff base-copper and -cadmium complexes as new proteasome inhibitors and apoptosis inducers in human cancer cells. J Biol Inorg Chem,2015.1.01,20(1):109~121.

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