

闫道广,博士,教授,“南山学者”杰出人才,博士生导师,博士后合作导师。主要研究方向是磷脂与肿瘤发生。利用全基因组筛选、单细胞空间多组学分析、模式动物等技术手段,开展肿瘤(特别是病毒相关肿瘤)发生机制、肿瘤耐药机制和相应的临床转化等前沿研究。研究成果以通讯作者发表在Science Translational Medicine(2022),Blood(2022),Nature Communications(2022, 2016),Circulation Research(2016),Cell Reports(2019),J Biol Chem(2018,2015)等期刊。主持科技部重大基础研究(973)项目,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目、面上项目等。

联系方式:Email: daoguangyan@126.com;Tel: 15919309398。


2023.1-至今:    3044澳门永利集团欢迎您,附属肿瘤医院,教授



2004.05-2006.10:芬兰国家健康研究院,Research Scientist













1.中国生物化学和分子生物学学会脂质和脂蛋白专业委员会 常务委员

2.中国病理生理学会动脉粥样硬化专业委员会 委员

3.国际动脉粥样硬化学会中国分会 理事

4.广东省抗癌协会肿瘤代谢专业委员会 常务委员


1. Zhu B., Zhong W., Pan G., Cao X., Xu M., Zheng J., Chen H., Feng X., Luo C., Lu C., Lin W., Lai C., Du X., Yi Q., Yan D. (2022) Loss of miR-31-5p drives hematopoietic stem cell deterioration and restoration eliminates leukemia stem cells. Sci Transl Med 14(629):eabh2548. (IF: 19.3), 新华社报道 (http://www.news.cn/english/20220127/bfa3590bda504df9ad495cd1bcff974b/c.html).

2. Zhong,W., Cao X., Pan G., Niu Q., Feng X., Xu M., Li M., Huang Y., Yi Q., Yan D. (2022) Oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 4L (ORP4L) is a prerequisite for the induction of T-cell leukemogenesis associated with human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (HTLV-1). Blood. 139 (7): 1052–1065. (IF: 25.4)

3. Zhong W, Lin W, Yang Y, Chen D, Cao X, Xu M, Pan G, Chen H, Zheng J, Feng X, Yang LH, Lai C, Olkkonen VM, Xu J, Cui S, Yan D. (2022) An acquired PI(4)P transport initiates T-cell deterioration. Nat Commun. 29;13(1):4390. (IF:17.6)。

4. Xu, M., Zhu, B., Cao, X., Li, S., Li, D., Zhou, H., Olkkonen, V. M., Zhong, W., Xu, J., and Yan, D. (2020) OSBP-Related Protein 5L Maintains Intracellular IP3/Ca(2+) Signaling and Proliferation in T Cells by Facilitating PIP2 Hydrolysis. J Immunol 204, 1134-1145. (IF: 5.4)

5. Cao, X., Chen, J., Li, D., Xie, P., Xu, M., Lin, W., Li, S., Pan, G., Tang, Y., Xu, J., Olkkonen, V. M., Yan, D., and Zhong, W. (2019) ORP4L couples IP3 to ITPR1 in control of endoplasmic reticulum calcium release. FASEB J 33, 13852-13865. (IF: 5.8)

6. Zhu, B., Cao, X., Zhang, W., Pan, G., Yi, Q., Zhong, W., and Yan, D. (2019) MicroRNA-31-5p enhances the Warburg effect via targeting FIH. FASEB J 33, 545-556. (IF: 5.8,ESI高被引论文)

7. Zhong, W., Xu, M., Li, C., Zhu, B., Cao, X., Li, D., Chen, H., Hu, C., Li, R., Luo, C., Pan, G., Zhang, W., Lai, C., Wang, T., Du, X., Chen, H., Xu, G., Olkkonen, V. M., Lei, P., Xu, J., and Yan, D. (2019) ORP4L Extracts and Presents PIP2 from Plasma Membrane for PLCbeta3 Catalysis: Targeting It Eradicates Leukemia Stem Cells. Cell Rep 26, 2166-2177 e2169. (IF: 9.9),中国科学报报道(https://news.sciencenet.cn/sbhtmlnews/2019/2/343620.shtm).

8. Pan, G., Cao, X., Liu, B., Li, C., Li, D., Zheng, J., Lai, C., Olkkonen, V. M., Zhong, W., and Yan, D. (2018) OSBP-related protein 4L promotes phospholipase Cbeta3 translocation from the nucleus to the plasma membrane in Jurkat T-cells. J Biol Chem 293, 17430-17441. (IF: 5.4)

9. Zhong, W., Pan, G., Wang, L., Li, S., Ou, J., Xu, M., Li, J., Zhu, B., Cao, X., Ma, H., Li, C., Xu, J., Olkkonen, V. M., Staels, B., and Yan, D. (2016) ORP4L Facilitates Macrophage Survival via G-Protein-Coupled Signaling: ORP4L-/- Mice Display a Reduction of Atherosclerosis. Circ Res 119, 1296-1312. (IF: 23.2,编辑评述文章)

10. Zhong, W., Yi, Q., Xu, B., Li, S., Wang, T., Liu, F., Zhu, B., Hoffmann, P. R., Ji, G., Lei, P., Li, G., Li, J., Li, J., Olkkonen, V. M., and Yan, D. (2016) ORP4L is essential for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell survival. Nat Commun 7, 12702. (IF: 17.6)

11. Li, J., Zheng, X., Lou, N., Zhong, W., and Yan, D. Oxysterol binding protein-related Protein 8 (ORP8) mediates the cytotoxicity of 25-Hydroxycholesterol. J Lipid Res, 57: 1845-1853, (2016).  (IF: 6.6)

12. Zhong, W., Qin, S., Zhu, B., Pu, M., Liu, F., Wang, L., Ye, G., Yi, Q., and Yan, D. (2015) Oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 8 (ORP8) increases sensitivity of hepatocellular carcinoma cells to Fas-mediated apoptosis. J Biol Chem 290, 8876-8887. (IF: 5.4)

13. Zhong, W., Zhou, Y., Li, J., Mysore, R., Luo, W., Li, S., Chang, M. S., Olkkonen, V. M., and Yan, D. OSBP-related protein 8 (ORP8) interacts with Homo sapiens sperm associated antigen 5 (SPAG5) and mediates oxysterol interference of HepG2 cell cycle. Exp Cell Res 322, 227-235, (2014).  (IF: 4.1)

14. Ma, H., Zhong, W., Jiang, Y., Fontaine, C., Li, S., Fu, J., Olkkonen, V. M., Staels, B., and Yan, D. Increased atherosclerotic lesions in LDL receptor deficient mice with hematopoietic nuclear receptor Rev-erbalpha knock- down. J Am Heart Assoc 2, e000235, (2013). (IF: 6.1)

15. Zhong, W., Zhou, Y., Li, S., Zhou, T., Ma, H., Wei, K., Li, H., Olkkonen, V. M., and Yan, D. OSBP-related protein 7 interacts with GATE-16 and negatively regulates GS28 protein stability. Exp Cell Res 317, 2353-2363, (2011).  (IF: 4.1)

16. Yan D, Mäyränpää MI, Wong J, Perttilä J, Lehto M, Jauhiainen M, Kovanen PT, Ehnholm C, Brown AJ, Olkkonen VM. OSBP-related protein 8 (ORP8) suppresses ABCA1 expression and cholesterol efflux from macrophages. J Biol Chem 4;283(1):332-340,(2008). (IF: 5.4)

17. Yan D, Jauhiainen M, Hildebrand RB, Willems van Dijk K, Van Berkel TJ, Ehnholm C, Van Eck M, Olkkonen VM. Expression of human OSBP-related protein 1L in macrophages enhances atherosclerotic lesion development in LDL receptor-deficient mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 27(7):1618-24,(2007). (IF:10.5)

18. Yan D, Lehto M, Rasilainen L, Metso J, Ehnholm C, Ylä-Herttuala S, Jauhiainen M, Olkkonen VM. Oxysterol binding protein induces upregulation of SREBP-1c and enhances hepatic lipogenesis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 27(5):1108-14,(2007). (IF:10.5)

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