2012 年获得南方医科大学麻醉学博士学位,主要研究方向是急性肺水肿、肺损伤防治及肺血管钙化,熟悉肺损伤和肺动脉高压的发生发展机制及保护治疗措施。本人能熟练掌握本学科内高难度技术,困难气道解决技术、纤支镜气道检查技术和肺隔离等技术。能独立完成心脏外科、骨外科、高危产科、胸外科、小儿外科麻醉,能独立完成肝移植、肾移植手术、肺移植和心肺联合移植手术麻醉。近几年主要负责自主呼吸胸科麻醉及肺移植麻醉临床和科研工作开展,多次参与本院“无管胸腔镜-自主呼吸麻醉下胸科手术”的国际和国内学习班,与外院同道交流经验。2019年获医院“优秀员工”称号,2023年获“广州市最具实力中青年医生”称号。
(1) 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您, 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您2023年科研能力提升计划资助项目, 2, 高流量鼻导管吸氧在腔镜胸科手术中应用, 2023-01 至 2024-12, 4万元, 在研, 主持
(2) 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您, 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您一流本科专业建设经费资助项目-学生创新能力提升, 44, 研发构建罗哌卡因---海藻酸盐水凝胶膜包被式胸腔引流管, 2023-02 至 2024-12, 3万元, 在研, 主持
(3) 广州市科技厅, 市校院联合立项, 20, 自主呼吸麻醉在胸腔镜手术中对呼吸生理和肺组织损伤影响的研究, 2022-04 至 2025-04, 20万元, 在研, 主持
1. Lan Lan#, Long Jiang#, Chongyang Duan, Weixiang Lu, Chanzhou Zhang, Jianxing He*. A risk score for predicting postoperative complications in non-intubated thoracic surgery. J Thorac Dis. 2021, 7(13): 3960-68.
2. Rui Wang, Diego Gonzalez-Rivas, Chudong Wang, Jianing Gao, Lan Lan*, Jianxing He*, Shuben Li*. Non-intubated uniportal robotic-assisted thoracic surgery: the future of thoracic surgery? Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery. 2023, 1(1): 49-51.
3. Jiaxi He#, Xin Xu#, Lan Lan#, Hanzhang Chen, Jianxing He, Shuben Li*. End-to-side anastomosis in complex tracheal resection and reconstruction: a case series study. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2022, 2(11): 165-72.
4. Hui Zhong#, Hongjiao Yu#, Jiaxin Chen#, Simon Wing Fai Mok, Xiao Tan, Bohou Zhou, Shengping He, Lan Lan, Xiaodong Fu*, Guojun Chen*, Dongxing Zhu*. The short-chain fatty acid butyrate accelerates vascular calcification via regulation of histone deacetylases and NF-kB signaling. Vascular Pharmacology. 2022, 146: 107096.
5. Liu J, Zeng Y, Cui F, Wang Y, He P, Lan L, Chen S, Wang W, Li J, He J. The impact of spontaneous ventilation on non-operative lung injury in thoracic surgery: a randomized controlled rabbit model study. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2017, 52 (6): 1083-1089.
6. Sida Liao, Haoye Meng, Jun Zhao, Wancheng Lin, Xiuzhi Liu, Zhuang Tian, Lan Lan, Hanyu Yang, Jiang Peng*. Injectable adipose-derived stem cells-embedded alginate-gelatin microspheres prepared by electrospray for cartilage tissue regeneration. J Orthop Translat. 2022,9 (33): 174-85.
7. Jian Fang, Xiaoxue Zhang, Zhaoming Huang, Lan Lan, Hanyu Yang, Shaobo Xie*. Anesthetic management of heart and lung transplantation: analysis of 14 cases in a single center. J Thorac Dis. 2022, 4 (14): 1099-1105.
8. Zang N, Shen W, Li S, et al. Sublobar resection reduces the risk of postoperative cognitive dysfunction compared with lobectomy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2023, 15:ezad319.
9. Jiang L#, Lan L#, Qiu Y, Lu W, Wang W, Huang Y. Target genes of N6-methyladenosine regulatory portein ALKBH5 are associated with prognosis of patients with lung adenocarcinoma. J Thorac Dis. 2023, 15(6):3228-3236.
10. Chen S, Guo Z, Wei X, Chen Z, Liu N, Yin W, Lan L*. Efficacy of preemtive intercostal nerve block on recovery in patients undergoing video-assisted thoracic lobectomy. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2023, 18(1):168.
11. Zeng J, Liao S, Liang Z, Li C, Luo Y, Wang K, Zhang D, Lan L, Hu S, Li W, Lin R, Jie Z, Hu Y, et al. Schisandrin A regulated the Nrf2 signaling pathway and inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome activation to interfere with pyroptosis in a mouse model of COPD. Eue J Med Res. 2023, 28 (1):217.
12. Fan Q, Luo J, Zhou Q, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Li J, Jiang L, Lan L*. Esketamine opioid-free intravenous anesthesia versus opioid intravenous anesthesia in spontaneous ventilation video-assisted thoracic surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Front Oncol. 2023,13:1145953.
13. Chen J, Yu H, Tan X, Mok SWF, Xie Y, Wang Y, Jiang X, Macrae VE, Lan L*, Fu X*, Zhu D*. PFKFB3-driven vascular smooth muscle cell glycolysis promotes vascular calcification via the altered FoxO3 and lactate production. FASEB J. 2023,37(10):e23182.
14. Liu L, Luo Z, Mai Y, Lu Y, Sun Z, Chen J, Zeng T, Chen L, Liu Z, Yang H, Xu Q, Lan L*, Tang C*. Dexmedetomidine relieves inflammatory pain by enhancing GABAergic synaptic activity in pyramidal neurons of the anterior cingulate cortex. Neuropharmacology. 2023, 240:109710.
15. Shiyu Deng, Yanyi Cen, Long Jiang, Lan Lan*. Effects of non-intubated video-assisted thoracic surgery on patients with pulmonary dysfunction. Front Surg. 2022, 8:792709.
16. Yaoliang Zhang, Wenjie Xie, Chao Yang, Guiling Peng, Xin Xu*, Lan Lan*. A risk score for predicting ECMO support before lung transplantation. J Thorac Dis. 2024,16(1):231-240.