2008年至2009年,在香港中文大学内科治疗系和何鸿燊防治传染病研究中心做访问学者。2012年至2013年,在美国南卡罗莱纳州大学医学院细胞生物与解剖系,进行博士后研究工作。主持和参与多项国家省级科研项目,发表论著30余篇,其中SCI收录9篇。获广州市科技成果二等奖一项。培养硕士研究生8名,毕业了6名, 研究生毕业去向有到市级医院做医生,有到卫校做老师。
1. Zhu X, Huang L, Gong J, Shi C, Wang Z, Ye B, Xuan A, He X, Long D, Zhu X, Ma N, Shuilong Leng*.NF-κB pathway link with ER stress-induced autophagy and apoptosis in cervical tumor cells. Cell Death Discov. 2017 Sep 11;3:17059.
2. Shuilong Leng*, Stephen Iwanowycz, Fatma Saaoud, Junfeng Wang, Yuzhen Wang, Ismail ergin, Babak Razani and Daping Fan. Ursolic acid enhances macrophage autophagy and attenuates atherogenesis. J Lipid Res. 2016 Jun;57(6):1006-16
3. Shuilong Leng*,Yanli Hao,Daobing Du,Shanyan Xie,Lepeng Hong,Haigang Gu,Xiao Zhu, Jinfang Zhang,Daping Fan, and Hsiang-fu Kung. Ursolic acid promotes cancer cell death by inducing Atg5 - dependent autophagy, Int J Cancer. 2013, 133(12): 2781-90.
4. Wang J,Iwanowycz S,Yu F,Jia X, Shuilong Leng,Wang Y,Li W,Huang S,Ai W,Fan D.microRNA-155 deficiency impairs dendritic cell function in breast cancer. Oncoimmunology. 2016 Sep 9;5(11):e1232223
5. Klionsky DJ, .. Shuilong Leng, et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy.2016,12(1):1-222.
6. Shi C, Zhu J, Shuilong Leng , Long D, Luo X. Mitochondrial FOXO3a is involved in amyloid β peptide-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. J Bioenerg Biomembr. 2016 Jun;48(3):189-96
7. Shuilong Leng*, He J, Fan W, Cheng S, Long D, He H. Bone mesenchymal stem cells for gene transfer of NGF to the adult rat brain: rescue the NGFR p75 positive neurons from fimbria-fornix lesion-induced degeneration. Neurosci Lett. 2008 Dec 31;448(3):282-7