姓 名: 朱翠革
性 别: 女
民 族: 汉
导师层次: 硕士导师
技术职称: 教授
导师类型: 学术型
最后学历: 博士研究生
最后学位: 理学博士
工作单位: 基础医学院
邮箱: zhucuige@gzhmu.edu.cn
2016/09-2022/09: 美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院,博后
2011/09-2016/06: 中山大学药学院,硕博连读(推荐免试),博士
1. 核外基因组(MN/CCFs)对细胞行为和功能的影响及应用探索
2. 基于基因损伤和基因组学不稳定性介导固有免疫的信号通路和肿瘤治疗方案研究
3. 创新性抗肿瘤靶点的发现,生物学价值以及靶向药物活性分子研究
1. 2023年3044澳门永利集团欢迎您基础医学院第二届医学科普教育大赛二等奖
2. 2014和2015 年,两次荣获中山大学博士生奖学金
3. 2013年,荣获中山大学“业旭”企业励志奖学金
4. 2011年,荣获河南省优秀毕业生
5. 2010-2011学年郑州大学一等奖学金
6. 2009-2010学年国家励志奖学金
7. 2008-2009学年郑州大学二等奖学金及优秀学生干部称号
8. 2007-2008学年郑州大学一等奖学金
1. 教育部引才专项,基于基因组不稳定性的肿瘤防治,60万,在研
2. 国自然青年,XPO6缺失增敏PARPi并依赖于BRCA1/2存在的分子机制和抗肿瘤应用研究,30万,在研
1. 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您高层次人才建设经费及配套,230万,在研
1) Zhu, C., Iwase, M., Li, Z., et al. and Shao, J.* (2022) Profilin-1 Regulates DNA Replication Forks in a Context-Dependent Fashion by Interacting with SNF2H and BOD1L. Nat Commun 13, 6531.
2) Zhu, C.#, Kim, S.J.#, Mooradian, A., et al. and Shao, J.* (2021). Cancer-Associated Exportin-6 Upregulation Inhibits the Transcriptionally Repressive and Anticancer Effects of Nuclear Profilin-1. Cell Rep 34, 108749.
3) Zhu, C.#, Rogers, A.#, Asleh, K.#, et al. and Shao, J.* (2020). Phospho-Ser(784)-VCP Is Required for DNA Damage Response and Is Associated with Poor Prognosis of Chemotherapy-Treated Breast Cancer. Cell Rep 31, 107745.
4) Wang, F.#, Zhu, C.#, Cai, S., Boudreau, A., Kim, S.J., Bissell, M., and Shao, J. (2021). Ser(71) Phosphorylation Inhibits Actin-Binding of Profilin-1 and Its Apoptosis-Sensitizing Activity. Front Cell Dev Biol 9, 692269.
5) Zhu, C., Wang, R., Zheng, W., et al. and Bu, X.* (2017). Synthesis and evaluation of anticancer activity of BOC26P, an ortho-aryl chalcone sodium phosphate as water-soluble prodrugs in vitro and in vivo. Biomed Pharmacother 96, 551-562.
6) Zhu, C., Zuo, Y., Liang, B., et al. and Bu, X.* (2015). Distinct tubulin dynamics in cancer cells explored using a highly tubulin-specific fluorescent probe. Chem Commun 51, 13400-13403.
7) Zhu, C.#, Zuo, Y.#, Wang, R., et al. and Bu, X.* (2014). Discovery of potent cytotoxic ortho-aryl chalcones as new scaffold targeting tubulin and mitosis with affinity-based fluorescence. J Med Chem 57, 6364-6382.