张玉霞,研究员,博士生导师,珠江学者特聘教授,已从事儿童免疫相关疾病的基础及转化研究13年。2007年毕业于中国科学院大学获博士学位,随后于英国剑桥大学(2007-2009)及澳大利亚Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research(2009-2016)从事儿童自身免疫病的病理机制研究,期间以课题负责人及子课题负责人获得美国JDRF和澳大利亚NHMRC国家级项目资助共4项,授权发明专利2项,联合培养2名博士研究生。
2016年回国后,获得广东省‘珠江学者’特聘教授,广州市高层次卫生重点人才等人才称号,获国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金重大培育项目等项目资助,通过与基础及临床团队合作近3年在Cell (2020; 2019), Mucosal Immunology(2020), Journal of Clinical Immunology(2020), Front Immunol(2018),Autophagy(2019), J Allergy Clinical Immunology (2018)等国际一流杂志发表论文多篇,申请发明专利3项。通讯作者论文受到包括Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol (2021), Nat Med (2019), Nat Rev Immunol (2016), JAMA (2016)等国际顶尖学术及医学期刊的亮点介绍(highlight)长篇评述(comments & review),总引用次数超过1000次。实现临床转化2项,获评‘2019年度中国医学十大进展’。
(2) 感染免疫;
(3) 免疫缺陷与自身炎症。
(1) Jun Wang, et al., Liver Immune Profiling Reveals Pathogenesis and Therapeutics for Biliary Atresia. Cell, 2020. (Co-corresponance)
(2) Lu, B., et al., IL-17 production by tissue-resident MAIT cells is locally induced in children with pneumonia. Mucosal Immunol, 2020. (Co-corresponance)
(3) Huang, B., et al., Mucosal Profiling of Pediatric-Onset Colitis and IBD Reveals Common Pathogenics and Therapeutic Pathways. Cell, 2019.179(5): p. 1160-1176 e24. (Correspondance)
(4) Zhang, Y., et al., Cord Blood CD8+ T Cells Have a Natural Propensity to Express IL-4 in a Fatty Acid Metabolism and Caspase Activation-Dependent Manner. Front Immunol, 2018. (First-author & Co-correspondance)
(5) Rashidi, M., et al.,CD52 inhibits Toll-like receptor activation of NF-kappaB and triggers apoptosis to suppress inflammation. Cell Death Differ, 2018.25(2): p. 392-405.(co-author)
(6) Moghaddas, F., et al., Autoinflammatory mutation in NLRC4 reveals a leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-LRR oligomerization interface. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2018. (co-author)
(7) Zhang, Y. and B. Huang, The Development and Diversity of ILCs, NK Cells and Their Relevance in Health and Diseases. Adv Exp Med Biol, 2017. 1024: p. 225-244. (Correspondance for book chapeter)
(8) Zhan, Y., et al., Life and Death of Activated T Cells: How Are They Different from Naive T Cells? Front Immunol, 2017.8: p. 1809. (co-author)
(9) Zhang, Y., et al., MicroRNAs in CD4(+) T cell subsets are markers of disease risk and T cell dysfunction in individuals at risk for type 1 diabetes. J Autoimmun, 2016.68: p. 52-61. (First-author)
(10) Zhang, Y., et al., Cord blood monocyte-derived inflammatory cytokines suppress IL-2 and induce nonclassic "T(H)2-type" immunity associated with development of food allergy. Sci Transl Med, 2016.8(321): p. 321ra8. (First-author & co-corespondance)
(11) Zhang, Y., et al., Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis identifies hypomethylated genes regulated by FOXP3 in human regulatory T cells. Blood, 2013.122(16): p.2823-36. (First author)
(12) Bandala-Sanchez, E., et al., T cell regulation mediated by interaction of soluble CD52 with the inhibitory receptor Siglec-10. Nat Immunol, 2013.14(7): p.741-8. (Co-first author)
(13) Zhang, Y., et al., The polycomb repressive complex 2 governs life and death of peripheral T cells. Blood, 2014.124(5):737-49. (First author)