王晓辉,博士,广州市妇女儿童医疗中心儿科研究所PI,硕士生导师,广州市登峰医院杰出人才。2014年毕业于香港大学医学院获免疫学博士学位,后于香港大学病理系从事博士后研究工作。2020-2021年任香港大学微生物系、新发传染病国家重点实验室研究助理教授。2021年起任广州市妇女儿童医疗中心儿科研究所PI。以第一及共同通讯作者在Nature Communications, PLOS Pathogens, Cellular & Molecular Immunology、mBio、Emerging Microbes & Infections,International Journal of Molecular Sciences期刊发表论文,以共同作者在包括 Cell、Journal of Immunology、Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases、Arthritis & Rheumatology、American Journal of Pathology、Frontiers in Immunology、Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 等期刊发表论文 20余篇。多篇第一或通讯作者论文受到学界关注,被 F1000 推荐点评及Cell、Annual Review of Immunology等杂志引用。受邀担任国际免疫学会联盟会刊Frontiers in Immunology编委,并担任多个国际期刊如Cytokine、Advances in Rheumatology、International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases等的审稿人,有丰富的免疫学、分子生物学和病毒学等方面的研究经验。
1. 研究肺部感染后局部病理反应的形成机制:阐明免疫细胞在肺部的迁移、功能和相互作用,以及肺部微环境对免疫细胞亚群功能的调控机制;
2. 早产儿支气管发育不良的病理机制:基于新生鼠支气管发育不良小鼠模型,探讨早产儿肺脏免疫定植与肺脏疾病的病理生理联系;
3. 孕早期母-胎免疫耐受的建立机制:基于小鼠模型,探究胎盘引起的母体免疫系统的变化及免疫失衡对妊娠性疾病及新生儿发育的影响。
1. 广州市卫生健康委员会,科技菁英“领航”项目,SL2024A04J02341, 2024/4-2027/3, 儿童病毒性肺炎肺部T细胞抗病毒免疫特性及机制研究,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 82201946, γδ T细胞与B细胞互作促进抗病毒免疫中抗原特异性抗体生成的机制研究,2023/01至2025/12,在研,主持
3. 广东省自然科学基金,面上项目,巨噬细胞分化促进流感病毒感染导致的肺纤维化的致病机制研究,2023/01至2025/12,在研,主持
4. 广州市科学技术局,广州市校联合资助,登峰医院基础研究,杰出人才项目,SL2023A03J01156,新生儿肺炎肺部B-T细胞相互作用及调控机制研究,2023/04至2025/03,在研,主持
5. 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您,优青成长项目,2023/01至2024/12,在研,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大研究计划, 91842304, 肺脏γδ T细胞的区域免疫特性及其在抗病毒 免疫反应中的功能研究, 2019/01 至 2022/12, 300万元, 结题, 主要参与人
7. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 81771761, IL-17促进系统性红斑狼疮发病中浆细胞功能的机制 研究, 2018/01 至 2021/12, 60万元, 结题, 主要参与人
8. 香港特别行政区食物及卫生局, 医疗卫生研究基金, 20190762, Understanding the immunological responses against SARS-CoV-2 orf8 protein and its potential use as novel COVID-19 vaccine , 2021/07 至 2023/06. 120万港币, 结题,主持
9. 香港特别行政区食物及卫生局, 医疗卫生研究基金, 17160832, IL-17-producing γδ T cell response and its regulation during influenza virus infection , 2018/06 至 2022/05, 120万港币, 结题, 主持
10. 香港大学转化及应用研究资助,Development of a multi-epitope peptide-based vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 (202010160022),2021/04 至 2021/10,15万港币,结题,主持
11. 香港大学研究资助,Characterization of the immunogenicity of SARS-CoV2 orf8 protein (202009185011),2020/10 至2021/10, 15万港币,结题,主持
1. Xiaohui Wang*; Xiang Lin; Zihan Zheng; Bingtai Lu; Jun Wang; Andy Hee-Meng Tan; Meng Zhao; Jia Tong Loh; Sze Wai Ng; Qian Chen; Fan Xiao; Enyu Huang; King-Hung Ko; Zhong Huang; Jingyi Li; Kin-Hang Kok; Gen Lu; Xiaohui Liu; Kong-Peng Lam; Wanli Liu; Yuxia Zhang; Kwok-Yung Yuen; Tak Wah Mak; Liwei Lu ; Host-derived lipids orchestrate pulmonary gamma delta T cell response to provide early protection against influenza virus infection, Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1): 0-1914 (*: 共同通讯)
2. Wang X.H.*, Joy-Yan Lam, Linlei Chen, Shannon Wing-Ngor Au, Kelvin K. W. To, Kwok-Yung Yuen, Kin-Hang Kok. Mining of linear B cell epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 protein from COVID-19 patients. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2021 Dec;10(1):1016-1023.
3. Xiaohui Wang*; Joy-Yan Lam; Wan-Man Wong; Chun-Kit Yuen; Jian-Piao Cai; Shannon Wing-Ngor Au; Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan; Kelvin K.W.To; Kin-Hang Kok; Kwok-Yung Yuen ; Accurate diagnosis of COVI D-19 by a novel immunogenic secreted SARS-CoV-2 orf8 protein, mBio, 2020, 11(5): 02431-20
4. Xiaohui Wang*; Cong Ye; Xiang Lin; Kongyang Ma; Fan Xiao; Lingli Dong; Liwei Lu ; New insi ghts into the significance of the BCR repertoire in B-1 cell development and function, Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 2019, 16(9): 772-773
5. Xiang Lin*; Xiaohui Wang*(共同第一作者); Fan Xiao; Kongyang Ma; Lixiong Liu; Xiaoqi Wang; Dong Xu; Fei Wa ng; Xiaofei Shi; Dongzhou Liu; Yan Zhao; Liwei Lu ; IL-10-producing regulatory B cells restrain t he T follicular helper cell response in primary Sjogren’s syndrome, Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 2019, 16(12): 921-931
6. Wang X.H.*, Ma K.Y., Chen M., Ko K.H., Zheng B. J., Lu L.W. IL-17A Promotes Pulmonary B-1a Cell Differentiation via Induction of Blimp-1 Expression during Influenza Virus Infection. PLOS Pathogens. 2016;12:e1005367
7. Xiaohui Wang*; Chris CS Chan; Min Yang; Jun Deng; Vincent KM Poon; Virtual HC Leung; King- Huang Ko; Jie Zhou; Kwok Yung Yuen; Bo-Jian Zheng; Liwei Lu ; A critical role of IL-17 in modulat ing the B-cell response during H5N1 influenza virus infection, Cellular & molecular immunology, 2011, 8(6): 462-8
8. Huang E.Y., Peng N, Xiao F, Hu D, Wang X.H.*, Lu L.W*. The Roles of Immune Cells in the Pathogenesis of Fibrosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020;21(15):5203. (*: 共同通讯)
9. Wang J, Xu Y.H., Chen Z.H., Liang J.K., Lin Z.F., Liang H.Y., Xu Y.P., Wu Q., Guo X.J., Nie J.L., Lu B.T., Huang B., Wang X.H.*, Wu Q., Zeng J.X., Chai C.W., Zhang M.X., Lin Y.Z., Zhang L., Zhao S.M.Z., Tong Y.L., Gu X.Q., Zhang T., Delfouneso D., Zhang Y., Nutt L.S., Lew M.A., Lu L.W., Bai F., Xia H.M., Wen Z. and Zhang Y.X.. Liver Immune Profiling Reveals Pathogenesis and Therapeutics for Biliary Atresia. Cell. 2020;183(7):1867-1883.e26
10. Deng J., Chen Q., Chen Z., Liang K., Gao X., Wang X.*, Makota F. V., Ong H. S., Wan Y., Luo K., Gong D., Yu X., Camuglia S., Zeng Q., Zhou T., Xue F., He J., Wei Y., Xiao F., Ma J., Hill D. L., Pierson W., Nguyen T. H. O., Zhou H., Wang Y., Shen W., Sun L., Li Z., Xia Q., Qian K., Ye L., Rockman S., Linterman M. A., Kedzierska K., Shen N., Lu L., Yu D. The metabolic hormone leptin promotes the function of TFH cells and supports vaccine responses. Nature Communications. 2021;12:3073
11. Che N., Sun X., Gu L., Wang X.*, Shi J., Sun Y., Xu L., Liu R., Wang J., Zhu F., Peng N., Xiao F., Hu D., Lu L., Qiu W., Zhang M. Adiponectin Enhances B-Cell Proliferation and Differentiation via Activation of Akt1/STAT3 and Exacerbates Collagen-Induced Arthritis. Frontiers in Immunology. 2021;12:626310
12. Lin X., Wang X., Lu L. Detection of IL-10 in Murine B Cells: In Vitro and In Vivo Techniques. Methods in Molecular Biology (Humana Press). 2021;2270:93-111
13. Yuen C.K., Lam J.Y., Wong W.M., Mak L.F., Wang X.H.*, Chu H., Cai J.P., Jin D.Y., To K.K.W., Chan J.F.W., Yuen K.Y., Kok K.H.. SARS-CoV-2 nsp13, nsp14, nsp15 and orf6 function as potent interferon antagonists. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2020;9(1):1418-28
14. Yuen C. K., Wong W. M., Mak L. F., Wang X.*, Chu H., Yuen K. Y., Kok K. H. Suppression of SARS-CoV-2 infection in ex-vivo human lung tissues by targeting class III phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Journal of Medical Virology. 2020. Apr;93(4):2076-2083
15. Xiao F., Han M., Wang X.*, Gong X., Huang E., Zhu Z., Zhao F., Zhao Y., Jiang Q., Lu L. Animal models of Sjogren's syndrome: an update. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 2019;37 Suppl 118:209-216
16. Ma K., Wang X.*, Shi X., Lin X., Xiao F., Ma X., Liu D., Lu L. The expanding functional diversity of plasma cells in immunity and inflammation. Cellular & molecular immunology. 2019
17. Tian J., Rui K., Hong Y., Wang X.*, Xiao F., Lin X., Ma J., Guo H., Xu H., Ma K., Xu D., Liu D., Zhao Y., Lu L., Wang S. Increased GITRL Impairs the Function of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells and Exacerbates Primary Sjogren Syndrome. Journal of Immunology. 2019;202:1693-1703
18. Wu H., Deng Y., Feng Y., Long D., Ma K., Wang X.*, Zhao M., Lu L., Lu Q. Epigenetic regulation in B-cell maturation and its dysregulation in autoimmunity. Cellular & molecular immunology. 2018
19. Ma K., Li J., Wang X.H.*, Lin X., Du W., Yang X., Mou F., Fang Y., Zhao Y., Hong X., Chan K. W., Zhang X., Liu D., Sun L., Lu L. TLR4(+)CXCR4(+) plasma cells drive nephritis development in systemic lupus erythematosus. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2018;77:1498-1506
20. Ding L., Wang X.*, Hong X., Lu L., Liu D. IL-36 cytokines in autoimmunity and inflammatory disease. Oncotarget. 2018;9:2895-2901
21. Rui K., Lin X., Tian J., Wang X.*, Sun L., Hong X., Liu D., Wang S., Lu L. Ecto-mesenchymal stem cells: a new player for immune regulation and cell therapy. Cellular & molecular immunology. 2018;15(1):82-84
22. Xiao F., Lin X., Tian J., Wang X.*, Chen Q., Rui K., Ma J., Wang S., Wang Q., Wang X., Liu D., Sun L., Lu L. Proteasome inhibition suppresses Th17 cell generation and ameliorates autoimmune development in experimental Sjogren's syndrome. Cellular & molecular immunology. 2017;14(11):924-934
23. Rui K., Zhang Z., Tian J., Lin X., Wang X.*, Ma J., Tang X., Xu H., Lu L., Wang S. Olfactory ecto-mesenchymal stem cells possess immunoregulatory function and suppress autoimmune arthritis. Cellular & molecular immunology. 2016;13:401-408
24. Jun Deng, Xiaohui Wang*, Qian Chen, Xiaoxuan Sun, Fan Xiao, King-Hung Ko, Miaojia Zhang, Liwei Lu. B1a cells play a pathogenic role in the development of autoimmune arthritis. Oncotarget. 2016;7(15):19299-311
25. Lin X., Rui K., Deng J., Tian J., Wang X.*, Wang S., Ko K. H., Jiao Z., Chan V. S., Lau C. S., Cao X., Lu L. Th17 cells play a critical role in the development of experimental Sjogren's syndrome. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2015;74(6):1302-10
26. Deng J., Yang M., Liu Y., Wang X.*, Ko K. H., Lu L. Finding a role for leptin in the regulation of the Th17 response in experimental arthritis: comment on the article by Deng et al. Reply. Arthritis & Rheumatology. 2013;65:285-287
27. Yang M., Deng J., Liu Y., Ko K. H., Wang X.*, Jiao Z., Wang S., Hua Z., Sun L., Srivastava G., Lau C. S., Cao X., Lu L. IL-10-producing regulatory B10 cells ameliorate collagen-induced arthritis via suppressing Th17 cell generation. American Journal of Pathology. 2012;180:2375-2385
28. Deng J., Liu Y., Yang M., Wang S., Zhang M., Wang X.*, Ko K. H., Hua Z., Sun L., Cao X., Lu L. Leptin exacerbates collagen-induced arthritis via enhancement of Th17 cell response. Arthritis & Rheumatology. 2012;64:3564-3573