



医科大学金域检验学院。主要围绕γδ TCD4+T细胞参与


其中以第一作者身份在Frontiers in ImmunologyFrontiers in Genetics等期刊发表论文4篇。承担了包括国家自然科学基金科研项目3项。



γδ TCD4+T细胞参与黏膜免疫应答与调控


(1) 国家自然科学基金—青年基金项目,项目编号: 820017472021.01-2023.1224万,在研,主持。

(2) 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金粤穗联合基金青年项目,项目编号: 2020A15151105622020.10-2023.0910万,在研,主持。

(3) 广州市科技计划项目青年项目项目编号: 2021020200922021.04-2023.035万,在研,主持。

(4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号: 316709002017.01-2020.1260万,结题,参与。

(5) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目编号: 817000052018.01-2020.1220万,结题,参与。


1. Juan Shen#, Li Jiang#, Yifang Gao, Rongqiong Ou, Sifei Yu, Binyan Yang, Changyou Wu, Weiping Tan *. A novel RAG1 mutation in a compound heterozygous status in a child with Omenn Syndrome. Front Genet 2019; 10:913.  

2. Juan Shen#, Xi Luo, Qiongli Wu, Jun Huang, Guanying Xiao, Liantang Wang, Binyan Yang, Huabin Li, Changyou Wu*. A subset of CXCR5+CD8+ T cells in the germinal centers from human tonsils and lymph nodes help B cells produce immunoglobulins. Front Immunol 2018; 9:2287.  

3. Jiangping Li#, Juan Shen, Suihua Lao, Xiaomin Li, Jie Liu, Changyou Wu*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3615c is a highly immunodominant antigen and specifically induces potent Th1-type immune responses in tuberculosis pleurisy. Clin Sci 2017; 131 (15): 1859-76.

4. Sifei Yu#, Juan Shen, Suihua Lao, Binyan Yang, Changyou Wu*. Distinct

functions of CXCR3+ and CCR4+ CD4+ T-cells accunulated in human tuberculosis pleural fluids. Int Tuberc Lung Dis. 2018; 22 (12): 1387-92.

5. Jiangping Li#, Jun Zhao, Juan Shen, Changyou Wu, Jie Liu*. Intranasal immunization with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3615c induces sustained adaptive CD4+ T-cell and antibody responses in the respiratory tract. J Cell Mol Med. 2018; 23(1):596-609.

6. Jiangping Li#, Juan Shen, Suihua Lao, Xiaomin Li, Changyou Wu*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3615c is a highly immunodominant antigen and specifically induces potent Th1-type immune responses in tuberculosis pleurisy. Clin Sci 2017; 131 (15): 1859-76.  

7. 沈娟#,吴琼丽,杨滨燕,吴长有*. IL-12逆转顺铂对人NK细胞免疫功能的抑制及其机制. 中国肿瘤生物治疗杂志2018; 25(9): 872-7.

8. 沈娟#,池沛东,张飞,谢淑华,杨滨燕,吴长有*. IL-12有助于化疗药物处理后肿瘤患者及小鼠的细胞免疫功能重建. 细胞与分子免疫学杂志2018; 34 (4): 289-95.

9.谢淑华,沈娟张燕楠,余思菲,杨滨燕,陶亮,吴长有*. IL-12恢复化疗药物对人细胞免疫功能的抑制作用. 免疫学杂志2018; 34 (6): 461-75.

10.赵珺,吴琼丽,沈娟杨滨燕,吴长有*.人外周血中γδT细胞亚群、表型和细胞因子产生的研究. 免疫学杂志 2018; 34 (1): 1-9.

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