2002.9-2007.6 山西医科大学 医学检验 医学学士
2007.9-2010.6 广东医学院 临床检验诊断学 硕士
2016.09-2019.06 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您 内科学 博士.
2010.6-2013.6 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您附属第二医院检验科,初级检验技师
2013.7-2020.3 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您附属第二医院检验科,主管检验技师
2020.04-至今 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您附属第二医院检验科,副主任检验技师
2020.09-至今 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您附属第二医院检验科,科室副主任
1.冀天星,张鑫,李祥勇,李彩虹,黄颖,周克元,李涛. 鼻咽癌肿瘤干细胞样细胞亚群的分离及初步鉴定[J]. 中国肿瘤临床, 2013, 40(13): 754-757.
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10.Ji TX#, Xu XQ#, Wang XD, Zhou Q*., Ding WD, Chen B, Guo XG, Hao YQ, Chen GY*.. Point of care upconversion nanoparticles-based lateral flow assay quantifying myoglobin in clinical human blood samples. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL. 2019,282: 309-316. (2021 SCI影响因子:9.221, Top期刊).
11. Xie TA, Liu YL, Liang C, Huang YY, Li JW, Li ZW, Fan SJ, Chen JT, Xia Y, Li XY, Ouyang S,Ji TX*., Guo XG*. Accuracy of matrix-assisted LASER desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry for identification of Candida. Bioscience reports 2019,39(10): BSR20190859. (2021 SCI影响因子:3.976).
12. Ma F#, Zhi C#, Wang M, Li T*., Khan SA, Ma Z, Jing Z, Bo C, Zhou Q, Xia S, Huang S, Huang S, Zhang Z, Jia H, Cui X, Yao M*.,Ji T*.Dysregulated NF-kappaB signal promotes the hub gene PCLAF expression to facilitate nasopharyngeal carcinoma proliferation and metastasis. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie 2020,125: 109905.(2021SCI影响因子:7.419, Top期刊).
13.Ji T#,Xu X#, Wang X#, Cao N, Han X, Wang M, Chen B, Lin Z, Jia H, Deng M, Xia Y, Guo X, Lei M, Liu Z, Zhou Q*., Chen G*.. Background-Free Chromatographic Detection of Sepsis Biomarker in Clinical Human Serum through Near-Infrared to Near-Infrared Upconversion Immunolabeling. ACS nano 2020,14(12 ): 16864-16874.(2020 SCI影响因子:18.027, Top期刊).
14.Ji T#*., Liu Z#, Wang G#, Guo X#, Akbar Khan S, Lai C, Chen H, Huang S, Xia S, Chen B, Jia H, Chen Y*., Zhou Q*. Detection of COVID-19: A review of the current literature and future perspectives. Biosensors & bioelectronics 2020,166:112455.(2020 SCI影响因子:12.545, Top期刊,高引用论文).
15.Ji T#*., Liu Y#, Li Y, Khan SA, Zhou Q, Chen B, Lin Z, Wang X, Ye X, Zheng X, Chen L*., Feng L*.. Molecular typing and genomic characteristic of human adenoviruses in Datong, Northern China. Journal of medical virology 2020,92(12): 1-8.(2022 SCI影响因子: 20.693)
16.Ji T#*., Li L#, Li W#, Zheng X, Ye X, Chen H, Zhou Q, Jia H, Chen B, Lin Z, Chen H, Huang S, Seto D, Chen L*., Feng L*.. Emergence and characterization of a putative novel human adenovirus recombinant HAdV-C104 causing pneumonia in Southern China. Virus evolution 2021,7(1): veab018(2021 SCI影响因子: 7.989)
17. Lai C#, Liu X#, Yan Q#, Lv H#, Zhou L#, Hu L, Cai Y, Wang G, Chen Y, Chai R, Liu Z, Xu Y, Huang W, Xiao F, Hu L, Li Y, Huang J, Zhou Q, Li L, Peng T, Zhang H, Zhang Z*., Chen L*., Chen C*.,Ji T*.. Low Innate Immunity and Lagged Adaptive Immune Response in the Re-Tested Viral RNA Positivity of a COVID-19 Patient. Frontiers in Immunology 2021,12: 664619. (2021 SCI影响因子:8.786, Top期刊)
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