


目前是全国细菌耐药监测学术委员会青年委员会委员、中华医学会结核病学分会临床检验专业委员会委员、广东省医学会细菌感染与耐药防治分会第一届常务委员、Member of Overseas Chinese Society for MicrobiologyMember of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology、中国医学装备人工智能联盟检验医学委员会委员、中国细胞生物学学会会员、中国中西医结合学会检验医学专业委员会感染性疾病实验室诊断学术委员会委员、中国医学装备协会检验医学分会微生物检验装备学组委员、中国微生物学会临床微生物学专业委员会微生物致病机制学组委员、中国中医药信息研究会青年医师分会结核病学组委员、中国分析测试协会标记免疫专业委员会委员、中国妇幼保健协会临床诊断与实验医学分会委员、全国卫生产业企业管理协会精准医疗分会肿瘤分子诊断学组委员、AME学术沙龙委员、广东省预防医学会过敏病预防与控制专业委员会委员、广东省生物医学工程学会委员、Asian Pacific Society of Respirology会员、广州市医学会医学检验分会委员、广州市医师协会检验医师分会委员、Life Research》编委、《TMR Clinical Research》青年编委、《临床与病理杂志》中青年编委、《中华临床医师杂志》特邀审稿专家、Jounal of Thoracic Diseasesection editor、《Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medcinesection editor、中华检验医学网特约专栏作者、丁香园检验版版主、微信公众号《检验频道》创始人。同时担任《BMC Infectious Diseases》、《Annals of Medicine》、《Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine》、《Infection and Drug Resistance》、《Scientific Reports》、《Oncology Letters》、《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》、《International Journal of Oncology》、《Molecular and Clinical Oncology》、《Journal of Cancer》、《Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine》、《Chinese Journal of Cancer》、《Journal of Thoracic Disease》、《International Journal of Biological Sciences》、《World Journal of Gastroenterology》、《PLoS One》、《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》、《Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry》、《Annals of Translational Medicine》、《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》、《国际检验医学杂志》、《临床检验杂志》、《现代药物与临床》和《临床与病理杂志》等学术期刊的审稿专家;广东省自然科学基金广东省医学科研基金、湛江市自然科学基金评审专家。

目前主持国家自然科学基金等各级各类科研项目17项;指导生获得国家级等各级科研项目10余项,发表各类学术论文90多篇,其中以第一作者或者通讯作者发表的被SCI收录的论文60余篇,被引用次数1600多次,申请国家发明专利11项,获得授权3项;申请实用新型专利2项,获得授权2项;申请国际PCT专利一项;参编国际指南1项,参编参译学术专著3部。在国际学术会议上进行英文大会发言1次;获Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Travel Award一次、广东医学科技奖三等奖一项。


1. 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您附属第三医院贺林院士工作站科研基金项目,2021HLKY03,肺炎链球菌感染LncRNA的筛选及CRISPR Cas13a RPA检测LncRNA方法建立及机制研究,2021.07-2023.0720万,在研,主持


3 . 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目,2019肺炎链球菌感染后LncRNA的筛选及机制研究,2万,2020.01-2021.122万,在研,主持

4. 2019年度大学生实验室开放项目,120205401,肺炎链球菌感染相关LncRNA的致病机制研究,2019-20212万,在研,主持

5. 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您附属第三医院博士启动项目,2018B088,肺炎链球菌感染肺泡上皮细胞circRNA的筛选及机制研究,5万,2019.01-2020.12结题,主持

6. 吴阶平医学基金会临床科研专项资助基金,320.6750.18455,生殖道支原体微流控芯片检测系统的研发与临床应用,2019.01-2020.121.0万,结题,主持

7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81700004PavA通过激活AMPK/mTOR通路诱导肺泡上皮细胞自噬在肺炎链球菌感染中的作用机制研究,2018.01-2020.1221万,结题,主持

8. 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您附属第三医院精英人才计划第二层次项目,AMPK/mTOR通路在肺炎链球菌感染上皮细胞过程中的作用机制, 2018.01-2022.1240万,在研,主持

9. 广州市荔湾区科信局,2016080067,实时荧光LAMP监测GBP5DUSP3MLF2在诊断活动性肺结核中的应用,2017.01-2018.123万,结题,主持

10. 广州市卫生局一般引导项目,20161A010082,洋葱伯克霍尔德菌快速检测方法的建立及临床应用,2016.05-2018.041万,已结题,参加

11. 广州市荔湾区科信局民生科技项目,20151217081,实时荧光环介导等温扩增检测艰难梭菌方法的建立及应用,2016.01-2017.128万,已结题,参加(排名第二)

12. 广州市卫生局一般引导项目,20151A011083,肺炎链球菌CbpA与自噬体相互作用的分子机制,2015.05-2017.046万,已结题,主持

13. 佛山市医学类科技攻关项目,2015AB002593CAP非典型病原菌快速检测方法及临床应用,2015.05-2017.040万,已结题,参加(排名第二)

14. 广州市卫生局一般引导项目,20131A011157,肺炎链球菌Rea-LAMP检测方法的建立及应用,2013.01-2014.122万,已结题,参加(排名第二)

15. 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您附属第三医院精英人才计划第三层次,肺炎链球菌与肺泡上皮细胞自噬体相互作用的分子机制,2013.01-2014.1210万,已结题,主持

16. 广州市卫生局面上项目,20122A011033,三七总皂苷的抗鼻咽癌作用及免疫学机制研究,2012.10-2014.092万,已结题,主持

17. 广州市卫生局一般引导项目,20121A011160,肺炎链球菌毒力因子与自噬体相互作用的分子机制,2012.01-2013.122万,已结题,主持

18. 广州医学院自然科学青年项目,2010A26,肺泡上皮细胞自噬体与肺炎链球菌相互作用的分子机制,2011.01-2012.123万,已结题,主持

19. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81073095,靶向双功能水蛭素分子的构建及其抗血栓作用的实验研究,2011.01-2013.1233万,已结题,参加

20. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30973463,抗PSMA适配子介导的细胞自噬和凋亡对前列腺癌的靶向杀伤作用研究,2010.01-2012.1230万,已结题,参加


1. 期刊论文

[1]. Zhu RJ#, Zhou J, Liang PQ, Xiang XX, Ran J, Xie TA, Guo XG*. Accuracy of cytokeratin 19 fragment in the diagnosis of bladder cancer. Biomarkers in medicine 2022, 16(3): 197-216.

[2]. Zhu GD#, Xie LM#, Su JW, Cao XJ, Yin X, Li YP, Gao YM, Guo XG*. Identification of differentially expressed genes and signaling pathways with Candida infection by bioinformatics analysis. European journal of medical research 2022, 27(1): 43.

[3]. Yin X#, Ye QQ, Wu KF, Zeng JY, Li NX, Mo JJ, Huang PY, Xie LM, Xie LY, Guo XG*. Diagnostic value of Lipoarabinomannan antigen for detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis in adults and children with or without HIV infection. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 2022, 36(2): e24238.

[4]. Yin X#, Chen YZ, Ye QQ, Liao LJ, Cai ZR, Lin M, Li JN, Zhang GB, Peng XL, Shi WF, Guo XG*. Detection performance of PCR for Legionella pneumophila in environmental samples: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials 2022, 21(1): 12.

[5]. Xie LM#, Yin X#, Xie TA, Su JW, Huang Q, Zhang JH, Huang YF, Guo XG*. Meta-Analysis of the Diagnostic Efficacy of the Luminex xTAG Respiratory Viral Panel FAST v2 Assay for Respiratory Viral Infections. Yonsei medical journal 2022, 63(1): 95-103.

[6]. Xie LM#, Huang YF#, Liu YL#, Liang JQ, Deng W, Lin GL, Luo HM, Guo XG*. Identification of the Hub Genes and the Signaling Pathways in Human iPSC-Cardiomyocytes Infected by SARS-CoV-2. Biochemical genetics 2022: 1-17.

[7]. Shen JN#, Ye JY#, Lao MX#, Wang CQ, Wu DH, Chen XY, Lin LH, Geng WY, Guo XG*. Evaluation of the real-time fluorescence loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for the detection of Ureaplasma urealyticum. AMB Express 2022, 12(1): 16.

[8]. Qiu YR#, Chen YY, Wu XR, Li YP, Cao XJ, Yu ZY, Lin M, Li QY, Chen JC, Yin X, Weng SC, Guo XG*. Accuracy of Xpert MTB/RIF assay for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 2022, 36(1): e24185.

[9]. Liu YL#, Xie TA, Lin GL, Deng W, Lin QR, Pan ZY, Fan SJ, Li ZX, Ouyang S, Zhu GD, Ji TX, Wu LJ, Xia Y, Guo XG*. Diagnostic Accuracy of Xpert Xpress Flu/RSV for the Detection of Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Viruses. Japanese journal of infectious diseases 2022, 75(2): 183-191.

[10].  Huang W#, Ma X#, Chen Y, Zheng J, Li H, Nizhamu A, Hong Q, Guo X*. Dietary Magnesium Intake Modifies the Association Between Vitamin D and Systolic Blood Pressure: Results From NHANES 2007-2014. Frontiers in nutrition 2022, 9: 829857.

[11]. Hu B#, Zou RP, Gan YW, Zhu YH, Ren SM, Hou WZ, Xie ZX, Wang R, Yang WT, Lin PJ, Feng JT, Gao ZM, Guo XG*. A population-based predictive model to identify patients with signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach who are most suitable for primary tumor resection. World journal of surgical oncology 2022, 20(1): 87.

[12]. Cao XJ#, Fang KY, Li YP, Zhou J, Guo XG*. The Diagnostic Accuracy of Xpert Xpress to SARS-CoV-2: A systematic review. Journal of virological methods 2022, 301: 114460.

[13]. Zhu GD#, Cao XJ#, Li YP, Li JX, Leng ZJ, Xie LM, Guo XG*. Identification of differentially expressed genes and signaling pathways in human conjunctiva and reproductive tract infected with Chlamydia trachomatis. Human genomics 2021, 15(1): 22.

[14]. Yu D#, Du Q#, Yan S#, Guo XG, He Y, Zhu G, Zhao K, Ouyang S*. Liver injury in COVID-19: clinical features and treatment management. Virology journal 2021, 18(1): 121.

[15]. Xu X#, Huang J, Wu S, Ji Q, Guo X, Huang Y*. The Association between the Serum Uric Acid Level and Hypertension in Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults. Cardiovascular therapeutics 2021, 2021: 4626062.

[16]. Xie TA#, He ZJ#, Liang C#, Dong HN, Zhou J, Fan SJ, Guo XG*. An integrative bioinformatics analysis for identifying hub genes associated with infection of lung samples in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. European journal of medical research 2021, 26(1): 146.

[17]. Xie LM#, Yin X#, Bi J#, Luo HM, Cao XJ, Ma YW, Liu YL, Su JW, Lin GL, Guo XG*. Identification of potential biomarkers in dengue via integrated bioinformatic analysis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2021, 15(8): e0009633.

[18]. Qian XF#, Duan AL, Huang RX, Li NX, Li YP, Guo XG*. Pooled analysis of LAMP assay for the diagnosis of norovirus infection. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 2021, 35(9): e23919.

[19]. Pan ZY#, Wu YJ, Zeng YX, Lin H, Xie TA, Li YP, Liu YL, He ZJ, Guo XG*. Pooled Analysis of the Accuracy of Xpert Ebola Assay for Diagnosing Ebola Virus Infection. BioMed research international 2021, 2021: 5527505.

[20]. Liu YL#, Wang XL, Yang XH, Wu XH, He GX, Xie LM, Cao XJ, Guo XG*. Pooled analysis of Xpert Bladder Cancer based on the 5 mRNAs for rapid diagnosis of bladder carcinoma. World journal of surgical oncology 2021, 19(1): 42.

[21]. Li ZL#, Luo QB, Xiao SS, Lin ZH, Liu YL, Han MY, Zhong JH, Ji TX, Guo XG*. Evaluation of GeneXpert vanA/vanB in the early diagnosis of vancomycin-resistant enterococci infection. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2021, 15(11): e0009869.

[22]. Li YP#, Cai JW, Liao LJ, Ding H, Cao XJ, Zhu GD, Guo XG*. Effect of BCG vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Japanese journal of infectious diseases 2021.

[23]. Li JX#, Cao XJ, Huang YY, Li YP, Yu ZY, Lin M, Li QY, Chen JC, Guo XG*. Investigation of hub gene associated with the infection of Staphylococcus aureus via weighted gene co-expression network analysis. BMC microbiology 2021, 21(1): 329.

[24]. Li HH#, He ZJ#, Xie LM, Zhang JS, Xie TA, Fan SJ, Guo XG*. Evaluation of Xpert Carba-R Assay for the Detection of Carbapenemase Genes in Gram-Negative Bacteria. BioMed research international 2021, 2021: 6614812.

[25]. Han MY#, Xie C#, Huang QQ, Wu QH, Deng QY, Xie TA, Liu YL, Li ZL, Zhong JH, Wang YC, Guo XG*. Evaluation of Xpert GBS assay and Xpert GBS LB assay for detection of Streptococcus agalactiae. Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials 2021, 20(1): 62.

[26]. Gu SY#, Cao XJ, Feng Y, Wei QQ, Liang JQ, Xie LM, Liu YL, Feng HY, Guo XG*. Identification of hub genes and signaling pathways related to gastric cells infected by Helicobacter pylori. Microbial pathogenesis 2021, 156: 104932.

[27]. Fang KY#, Cao WC#, Xie TA#, Lv J, Chen JX, Cao XJ, Li ZW, Deng ST, Guo XG*. Exploration and validation of related hub gene expression during SARS-CoV-2 infection of human bronchial organoids. Human genomics 2021, 15(1): 18.

[28]. Chen YZ#, Zhan ZQ, Zhou LQ, Chen MS, Cao XJ, Li YP, Guo XG*. Diagnostic value of loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for hand, foot, and mouth disease. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 2021, 35(6): e23776.

[29]. Chen JC#, Xie TA, Lin ZZ, Li YQ, Xie YF, Li ZW, Guo XG*. Identification of Key Pathways and Genes in SARS-CoV-2 Infecting Human Intestines by Bioinformatics Analysis. Biochemical genetics 2021: 1-19.

[30]. Cao XJ#, Li YP#, Wang JY, Zhou J, Guo XG*. MPT64 assays for the rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. BMC infectious diseases 2021, 21(1): 336.

[31].     Wu D#, Wang C#, Pang P#, Kong H#, Lin Z, Wang H, Chen X, Zhao J, Hao Z, Zhang T, Guo XG*. The association between herpes simplex virus type 1 infection and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of clinical neuroscience: official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia 2020, 82(Pt A): 63-70.

[32].    Han MY#, Xie TA#, Li JX, Chen HJ, Yang XH, Guo XG*. Evaluation of Lateral-Flow Assay for Rapid Detection of Influenza Virus. BioMed research international 2020, 2020: 3969868.

[33].      Xie LM, Lin GL, Dong HN, Liao YX, Liu YL, Qin JF, Guo XG*. Evaluation of lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for diagnostic accuracy of cryptococcosis. BMC infectious diseases 2020, 20(1): 650.

[34].     Xie TA#, Han MY#, Su XR, Li HH, Chen JC, Guo XG*. Identification of Hub genes associated with infection of three lung cell lines by SARS-CoV-2 with integrated bioinformatics analysis. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 2020, 24(20): 12225-12230.

[35].    Ji T#*, Liu Z#, Wang G#, Guo X#, Akbar Khan S, Lai C, Chen H, Huang S, Xia S, Chen B, Jia H, Chen Y*, Zhou Q*. Detection of COVID-19: A review of the current literature and future perspectives. Biosensors & bioelectronics 2020, 166: 112455.

[36].    Yang L#, Lin Y#, Lu L#, Xue M#, Ma H#, Guo X, Wang K, Li P, Du X, Qi K*, Li P*, Song H*. Coexistence of Two bla (NDM-) (5) Genes Carried on IncX3 and IncFII Plasmids in an Escherichia coli Isolate Revealed by Illumina and Nanopore Sequencing. Frontiers in microbiology 2020, 11: 195.

[37].    Fan SJ, Tan HK, Xu YC, Chen YZ, Xie TA, Pan ZY, Ouyang S, Li Q, Li XY, Li ZX, Guo XG*. A pooled analysis of the LAMP assay for the detection of Neisseria meningitidis. BMC infectious diseases 2020, 20(1): 525.

[38].    Li HH#, He ZJ#, Liang JQ, Li GL, Xie TA, Liu YL, Li ZW, Feng XC, Xia Y, Guo XG*. Evaluation of Xpert MTB/RIF for the Diagnosis of Lymphatic Tuberculosis. BioMed research international 2020, 2020: 1968487.

[39].   Zeng YF#, Chen CM# , Li XY#, Chen JJ, Wang YG, Ouyang S, Ji TX, Xia Y, Guo XG*. Development of a droplet digital PCR method for detection of Streptococcus agalactiae. BMC Microbiology (2020) 20:179.

[40]. Tan HK#, Fan SJ#, Xu YC, Zhou JJ, Chen YZ, Xie TA, Pan ZY, Xia Y, Guo XG*. The clinical diagnostic value of Xpert MTB/RIF for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in gastric aspirates. Bioscience Reports. 2020 Jun 16; BSR20200138.

[41].   郭旭光,邓穗燕,唐晓华,陈琼,夏勇*.临床医学本科生开展课外科研活动思考[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2020,19(07):790-793.

[42].   Chen YZ#, Sun LC#, Wen YH#, Li ZW, Fan SJ, Tan HK, Qiu M, Pan ZY, Li Q, Zhao YZ, Li ZX, Guo XG*. Pooled analysis of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay for diagnosing tuberculous meningitis. Bioscience reports 2020, 40(1): BSR20191312.

[43].   Chen CM#, Ouyang S#, Lin LY#, Wu LJ, Xie TA, Chen JJ, Li ZX, Zhu GD,Ji TX, Pan ZY, Xia Y, Guo XG*. Diagnostic accuracy of LAMP assay for HBV infection. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 2020: e23281.

[44].   Tang DL#, Chen X#, Zhu CG#, Li ZW, Xia Y, Guo XG*. Pooled analysis of T2 Candida for rapid diagnosis of candidiasis. BMC infectious diseases 2019, 19(1): 798.

[45 ].  Xie TA#, Liu YL#, Liang C, Huang YY, Li JW, Li ZW, Fan SJ, Chen JT, XiaY, Li XY, Ouyang S, Ji TX*, Guo XG*. Accuracy of matrix-assisted LASER desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry for identification of Candida. Bioscience reports 2019, 39(10): BSR20190859.

[46]. Guo XG#, Zhuang YR, Wen JZ, Xie TA, Liu YL, Zhu GD, Xia Y*. Evaluation of the real-time fluorescence loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for the detection of Streptococcus agalactiae. Bioscience reports 2019, 39(5): BSR20190983.

[47].   Cai ZH#, Dai YY, Huang LY, Zhang WS, Guo XG*. Diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumoniae by loop-mediated isothermal amplification: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC infectious diseases 2019, 19(1): 173.

[48].     Ji T#, Xu X#, Wang X, Zhou Q*, Ding W, Chen B, Guo XG, Hao Y, Chen G*. Point of care upconversion nanoparticles-based lateral flow assay quantifying myoglobin in clinical human blood samples. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2019, 282: 309-316.

[49].     Huang C#, Huang PT, Yao JY, Li ZW, Weng LB, Guo XG*. Pooled analysis of nuclear acid sequence-based amplification for rapid diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 2019, 33(5): e22879.

[50].  Guo XG#, Zhou YZ#, Li Q#, Wang W, Wen JZ, Zheng L, Wang Q*. Rapid and reliable diagnostic method to detect Zika virus by real-time fluorescence reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification. AMB Express 2018, 8(1): 60.

[51].  Guo XG#, Wen JZ, Li Q, Chen H, Zhao KW, Zhou YZ, Xia Y*. Development and validation of a rapid and simple fluorescence real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei. Int J Clin Exp Med 2018, 11(11): 11981-11988.

[52].   Liu ML#, Xia Y, Wu XZ, Huang JQ, Guo XG*. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae porA pseudogene: a rapid and reliable method to detect gonorrhea. AMB Express 2017, 7(1): 48.

[53].  Guo XG#*, Long JJ. Cytokeratin-19 fragment in the diagnosis of bladder carcinoma. Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine 2016, 37(10): 14329-14330.

[54]. Guo XG#*, Liu QF. Gram Stain and Molecular Method for the Diagnosis of Bacterial Pneumonia. Chinese medical journal 2016, 129(15): 1884.

[55].   Guo XG#*. Environmental estrogens have an impact on the ERs and their signaling in ER-responsive tissues and organs. International urology and nephrology 2016, 48(6): 1005-1006.

[56].    郭旭光#,庄雅如,黄美淦,何淑君,夏勇*实时荧光环介导恒温扩增检测无乳链球菌方法的建立与评价,中华医院感染学杂志,2016.4.012610):2196-2198

[57].   Klionsky DJ#*, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H,Acevedo Arozena A, et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy. 2016, 12(1): 1-222.

[58].   Xia Y#*, Lin LY, Liu ML, Wang Z, Hong HH, Guo XG, Gao GQ. Selective inhibition of CDK7 ameliorates experimental arthritis in mice. Clinical and experimental medicine 2015, 15(3): 269-275.

[59].   Ji T#, Ma F, Huo L, Guo X*, Chen B, Zhou Q*. Calponin-h2 is upregulated in the tissues and plasma of patients with breast cancer. Molecular medicine reports 2015, 12(2): 2886-2892.

[60]. Guo XG#*, Xia Y. The rs5743708 gene polymorphism in the TLR2 gene contributes to the risk of tuberculosis disease. International journal of clinical and experimental pathology 2015, 8(9): 11921-11928.

[61]. Guo XG#*, Wang Q, Xia Y, Zheng L. The C8092A polymorphism in the ERCC1 gene and breast carcinoma risk: a meta-analysis of case-control studies. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine 2015, 8(3): 3691-3699.

[62].  Xia Y#*, Guo XG#, Zhou S. Rapid detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae by real-time fluorescence loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Journal of thoracic disease 2014, 6(9): 1193-1199.

[63].   Xia Y#*, Guo XG, Ji TX, Chen Q. Diagnostic utility of urinary BLCA-4 tests for bladder cancer: a meta-analysis. Life Sci J 2014, 11(5): 69-75.

[64].  Xia Y#*, Guo XG, Ji TX, Chen Q. Neutrophil Count to Lymphocyte Count Ratio is a Potential Diagnostic Index for Bacteremia in Adult. Life Sci J 2014, 11(1): 172-177.

[65 ].    Xia Y#*, Guo XG, Ji TX. The G801A polymorphism in the CXCL12 gene and risk of breast carcinoma: evidence from a meta-analysis including 2,931 subjects. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 2014, 15(6): 2857-2861.

[66].  Guo XG#, Zheng L, Feng WB, Xia Y*. The AURKA gene rs2273535 polymorphism contributes to breast carcinoma risk - meta-analysis of eleven studies. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 2014, 15(16): 6709-6714.

[67]. Guo XG#, Xia Y*. The Interleukin-18 promoter -607C>A polymorphism contributes to nasopharyngeal carcinoma risk: evidence from a meta-analysis including 1,886 subjects. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 2013, 14(12): 7577-7581.

[68]. Guo XG#, Ji TX#, Xia Y*, Ma YY*. Autophagy protects type II alveolar epithelial cells from Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2013, 432(2): 308-313.



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4.Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition),3044澳门永利集团欢迎您,3044澳门永利集团欢迎您科技奖励,引文桂冠奖,2017











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