2017/03-2018/02,英国Glenfield Hospital访问学者;
1.国家自然基金项目(82072335)2021.1-2024.12 SE-lncRNA PSMB8-AS1/PSMB9/ ABCA1途径对胆固醇平衡和动脉粥样硬化的影响和机制研究55万;
2国家自然基金项目(81871701)2019.1-2022.12 LncRNA NEXN-AS1/NEXN途径介导OX-LDL对细胞焦亡和AS的影响及机制研究57万;
3.国家自然基金项目(81572051)2016.1-2019.12 LncRNA RP11-463O9.5对FOXC2的调控及其在胆固醇平衡和动脉粥样硬化发展中的作用71.8万;
4.国家自然基金项目(81301498)2014.1-2016.12长链非编码RNA RP5-833A20.1对NFIA的调控及其在胆固醇平衡和动脉粥样硬化发生发展中作用的研究23万;
5.广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目(2020B1515020013)2019.10-2023.09 100万,动脉粥样硬化调控机制和诊断新标志物开发研究;
6.广东省自然科学基金(2017A030313535)2017.05-2020.05 LncRNA RP5-833A20.1-NFIA途径介导OX-LDL对细胞自噬和AS的影响及机制研究10万;
7广东省自然科学基金(2014A030313287)2015.1-2017.12 LOC283683-NIPA1-BMPRII途径对胆固醇平衡和动脉粥样硬化的影响及机制研究10万;
8.广东省医学科研基金(B2014245)2014.5-2016.6长链非编码RNA RP5-833A20.1对NFIA的调控及其在胆固醇平衡和动脉粥样硬化发生发展中作用的研究0.5万元;
9.广州市科技计划(201607010267)2016.1-2018.12 LncRNARP11-463O9.5对FOXC2的调控及其在胆固醇平衡和动脉粥样硬化发展中的作用20万。
主要从事心血管疾病早期诊断新标志物开发和机制研究,妇科产科常见病多发病的发病机制和诊断新标志物开发研究,以及新生儿脏器损伤早期诊断新标志物开发研究等。以第一或通讯作者在J Clin Invest(14.808)、Cell Death Differ(15.828)和Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol(8.311)等刊物上发表SCI收录论文50余篇。近五年代表性论文如下:
1.Guo FX#, Wu Q, Li P, Zheng L, Ye S, Dai XY, Kang CM, Lu JB, Xu BM, Xu YJ, Xiao L, Lu ZF, Bai HL,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者),Wang Q*.The role of the LncRNA-FA2H-2-MLKL pathway in atherosclerosis by regulation of autophagy flux and inflammation through mTOR-dependent signaling.Cell Death and Differentiation. 2019; 26(9):1670-1687.(SCI收录, IF: 15.828)
2.Hu YW#*(第一作者/并列通讯作者), Guo FX, Xu YJ, Li P, Lu ZF, McVey DG, Zheng L, Wang Q, Ye JH, Kang CM, Wu SG, Zhao JJ, Ma X, Yang Z, Fang FC, Qiu YR, Xu BM, Xiao L, Wu Q, Wu LM, Ding L, Webb TR, Samani NJ, Ye S*. Long non-coding RNA NEXN-AS1 mitigates atherosclerosis by regulating the actin-binding protein NEXN.J Clin Invest. 2019 Mar 1;129(3):1115-1128.(SCI收录, IF: 14.808)
3.Dong XH#, Lu ZF#, Kang CM, Li XH, Haworth KE, Ma X, Lu JB, Liu XH, Fang FC, Wang CS, Ye JH, Zheng L, Wang Q, Ye S*,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者).The Long Noncoding RNA RP11-728F11.4 Promotes Atherosclerosis.Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. 2021; 41(3):1191-1204.(SCI收录, IF: 8.311)
4.Hu YW#, Zhao JY, Li SF, Huang JL, Qiu YR, Ma X, Wu SG, Chen ZP, Hu YR, Yang JY, Wang YC, Gao JJ, Sha YH, Zheng L*, Wang Q*. RP5-833A20.1/miR-382-5p/NFIA-Dependent Signal Transduction Pathway Contributes to the Regulation of Cholesterol Homeostasis and Inflammatory Reaction.Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. 2015; 35(1):87-101.(SCI收录, IF: 8.311)
5.Kang CM#, Bai HL, Li XH, Huang RY, Zhao JJ, Dai XY, Zheng L, Qiu YR*,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者), Wang Q*.The binding of lncRNA RP11-732M18.3 with 14-3-3 beta/alpha accelerates p21 degradation and promotes glioma growth.Ebiomedicine. 2019; 45:58-69.(SCI收录, IF: 8.143)
6.Hu YW#, Wu SG#, Zhao JJ, Ma X, Lu JB, Xiu JC, Zhang Y, Huang C, Qiu YR, Sha YH, Gao JJ, Wang YC, Li SF, Zhao JY, Zheng L*, Wang Q*. VNN1 promotes atherosclerosis progression in apoE(-/-) mice fed a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet.Journal of Lipid Research. 2016; 57(8):1398-1411.(SCI收录, IF: 5.922)
7.Hu YW#, Yang JY#, Ma X#, Chen ZP, Hu YR, Zhao JY, Li SF, Qiu YR, Lu JB, Wang YC, Gao JJ, Sha YH, Zheng L*, Wang Q*. A lincRNA-DYNLRB2-2/GPR119/GLP-1R/ABCA1-dependent signal transduction pathway is essential for the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis.Journal of Lipid Research. 2014; 55(4):681-697.(SCI收录, IF: 5.922)
8.Bai HL#, Kang CM#, Sun ZQ, Li XH, Dai XY, Huang RY, Zhao JJ, Bei YR, Huang XZ, Lu ZF, Wu SG, Lu JB, Ping BH, Wang Q*,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者).TTDA inhibited apoptosis by regulating the p53-Bax/Bcl2 axis in glioma.Experimental Neurology. 2020; 331:11.(SCI收录, IF: 5.330)
9.Hu YW#, Kang CM#, Zhao JJ, Nie Y, Zheng L, Li HX, Li X, Wang Q*, Qiu YR*.LncRNA PLAC2 down-regulates RPL36 expression and blocks cell cycle progression in glioma through a mechanism involving STAT1.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2018; 22(1):497-510.(SCI收录, IF: 5.310)
10.Li KY#, Zheng L, Wang Q,Hu YW*(通讯作者). Characteristics of erythrocyte-derived microvesicles and its relation with atherosclerosis.Atherosclerosis. 2016; 255:140-144.(SCI收录, IF: 5.162)
11.Lu YB#, Shi C, Yang B, Lu ZF, Wu YL, Zhang RY, He X, Li LM, Hu B,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者), Zheng L*, Wang Q*.Long noncoding RNA ZNF800 suppresses proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells by upregulating PTEN and inhibiting AKT/mTOR/HIF-1 alpha signaling.Atherosclerosis. 2020; 312:43-53.(SCI收录, IF: 5.162)
12.Wang ZT#, Wang Z,Hu YW*(通讯作者). Possible roles of platelet-derived microparticles in atherosclerosis.Atherosclerosis. 2016; 248:10-16.(SCI收录, IF: 5.162)
13.Wu LM#, Wu SG#, Chen F, Wu Q, Wu CM, Kang CM, He X, Zhang RY, Lu ZF, Li XH, Xu YJ, Li LM, Ding L, Bai HL, Liu XH,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者), Zheng L*. Atorvastatin inhibits pyroptosis through the lncRNA NEXN-AS1/NEXN pathway in human vascular endothelial cells.Atherosclerosis.2020; 293:26-34.(SCI收录, IF: 5.162)
14.Zhang Y#, Zheng L, Xu BM, Tang WH, Ye ZD, Huang C, Ma X, Zhao JJ, Guo FX, Kang CM, Lu JB, Xiu JC, Li P, Xu YJ, Xiao L, Wu Q,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者), Wang Q*.LncRNA-RP11-714G18.1 suppresses vascular cell migration via directly targeting LRP2BP.Immunology and Cell Biology. 2018; 96(2):175-189.(SCI收录, IF: 5.126)
15.Hu YW#, Wang Q, Ma X, Li XX, Liu XH, Xiao J, Liao DF, Xiang J, Tang CK*. TGF-beta 1 Up-Regulates Expression of ABCA1, ABCG1 and SR-BI through Liver X Receptor a Signaling Pathway in THP-1 Macrophage-Derived Foam Cells.Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 2010; 17(5):493-502.(SCI收录, IF: 4.928)
16.Hu YW#, Zheng L, Wang Q*. Characteristics of apolipoprotein M and its relation to atherosclerosis and diabetes.Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. 2010; 1801(2):100-105.(SCI收录, IF: 4.698)
17.Hu YW#, Chen ZP, Hu XM, Zhao JY, Huang JL, Ma X, Li SF, Qiu YR, Wu XJ, Sha YH, Gao JJ, Wang YC, Zheng L*, Wang Q*. The miR-573/apoM/Bcl2A1-dependent signal transduction pathway is essential for hepatocyte apoptosis and hepatocarcinogenesis.Apoptosis. 2015; 20(10):1321-1337.(SCI收录, IF: 4.677)
18.Hu YW#, Zheng L*, Wang Q*, Zhong TY, Yu X, Bao J, Cao NN, Li B, Bo ST. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Downregulates Apolipoprotein M Expression by Inhibiting Foxa2 in a Nur77-Dependent Manner.Rejuvenation Research. 2012; 15(4):423-434.(SCI收录, IF: 4.663)
19.Xu BM#, Xiao L#, Kang CM, Ding L, Guo FX, Li P, Lu ZF, Wu Q, Xu YJ, Bai HL, Tang JY, Zheng L*,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者), Wang Q*.LncRNA AC096664.3/PPAR- gamma/ABCG1-dependent signal transduction pathway contributes to the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis.Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2019; 120(8):13775-13782.(SCI收录, IF: 4.429)
20.Yao XX#, Lu JB#, Ye ZD, Zheng L, Wang Q, Lin ZQ, Liu H, Wan H, Fu FY, Huang XY, Xiu JC, Liu ZJ*,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者).Hairy/enhancer of Split Homologue-1 Suppresses Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-induced Angiogenesis via Downregulation of Osteopontin Expression.Scientific Reports. 2017; 7:12.(SCI收录, IF: 4.379)
21.Liu Y#, Zheng L, Wang Q,Hu YW*(通讯作者).Emerging roles and mechanisms of long noncoding RNAs in atherosclerosis.International Journal of Cardiology. 2017; 228:570-582.(SCI收录, IF: 4.164)
22.Li SF#,Hu YW#(并列第一作者),Zhao JY, Ma X, Wu SG, Lu JB, Hu YR, Wang YC, Gao JJ, Sha YH, Zheng L*, Wang Q*. Ox-LDL Upregulates CRP Expression Through the IGF2 Pathway in THP-1 Macrophages.Inflammation. 2015; 38(2):576-583.(SCI收录, IF: 4.092)
23.Ma X#, Zhao JY, Zhao ZL, Ye J, Li SF, Fang HH, Gu MN,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者), Qin ZS*. Propofol Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Production Through Enhancing apoM and foxa2 Expression in HepG2 Cells.Inflammation. 2015; 38(3):1329-1336.(SCI收录, IF: 4.092)
24.Wang YC#,Hu YW#(并列第一作者), Sha YH, Gao JJ, Ma X, Li SF, Zhao JY, Qiu YR, Lu JB, Huang C, Zhao JJ, Zheng L*, Wang Q*. Ox-LDL Upregulates IL-6 Expression by Enhancing NF-kappa B in an IGF2-Dependent Manner in THP-1 Macrophages.Inflammation. 2015; 38(6):2116-2123.(SCI收录, IF: 4.092)
25.Wu Q#, He X#, Wu LM, Zhang RY, Li LM, Wu CM, Lu YB, Hu B, Shi C, Lu ZF, Yang B, Zheng L,Hu YW*(并列通讯作者), Wang Q*.MLKL Aggravates Ox-LDL-Induced Cell Pyroptosis via Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells.Inflammation. 2020; 43(6):2222-2231.(SCI收录, IF: 4.092)