1、广东省自然科学基金研究面上项目(2023A1515010363),“Kupffer细胞自噬抑制介导的炎症反应在纳米银暴露致肝脏毒性中的作用及机制研究”,10万元, 2023/1-2025/12,在研, 主持。
2、广州市基础研究计划市校(院)企联合资助项目,“SLC22有机离子转运蛋白基因多态性等因素对精神分裂症患者氨磺必利血药浓度影响及个体化用药模型的建立”, 2023/4-2025/4,20万元, 在研, 主持。
3、广东省自然科学基金研究面上项目(2021A1515011326),“小胶质细胞NLRP3炎症小体活化在纳米银致慢性神经毒性中的作用及机制研究”, 2021/1-2023/12,10万元, 在研, 主持。
4、广州市科技基础研究计划项目(202002030399), “线粒体动力学失衡介导的线粒体自噬对纳米银导致小鼠原代肝细胞凋亡的影响及作用机制研究”, 2020-04-2023-03, 20万元, 在研, 主持。
5、广东省中医药局面上项目, 20201272, “桂枝茯苓胶囊在多囊卵巢综合症大鼠模型中通过抑制IKK/NF-kB 信号通路改善胰岛素抵抗的机制研究”, 2020-01-2021-12, 1.0万元, 结题, 主持。
6、广州市卫生健康科技一般引导项目, 20191A011040, “难治性抑郁症患者氯胺酮及其活性代谢产物群体药动学模型的研究”, 2019-04- 2021-04, 1.5万元, 结题, 主持。
1. Liu Mei#, Li L#, Zhao J, Ungvari GS, Ng CH, Duan ZP, Zheng SJ, Xiang YT: Gender differences in demographic and clinical characteristics in patients with HBV-related liver diseases in China. Peer J 2022, 10:e13828 http://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.13828
2. Huang S#, Li L#, Wang Z, Xiao T, Li X, Liu S, Zhang M, Lu H, Wen Y, Shang D: Modeling and Simulation for Individualized Therapy of Amisulpride in Chinese Patients with Schizophrenia: Focus on Interindividual Variability, Therapeutic Reference Range and the Laboratory Alert Level. Drug Des Devel Ther 2021, 15:3903-3913.
3. Li L#, Li L#, Shang DW, Wen YG, Ning YP: A systematic review and combined meta-analysis of concentration of oral amisulpride. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2020, 86(4):668-678.
4. Li L, Lok GKI, Mei SL, Cui XL, An FR, Li L, Cheung T, Ungvari GS, Xiang YT: Prevalence of depression and its relationship with quality of life among university students in Macau, Hong Kong and mainland China. Sci Rep 2020, 10(1):15798.
5. Xiang YT#, Jin Y#, Zhang L#, Li L#, Ungvari GS, Ng CH, Zhao M, Hao W: An Overview of the Expert Consensus on the Prevention and Treatment of Gaming Disorder in China (2019 Edition). Neurosci Bull 2020, 36(7):825-828.
6. Li L#, Li L#, Chai JX, Xiao L, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Xiang YT: Prevalence of Poor Sleep Quality in Patients With Hypertension in China: A Meta-analysis of Comparative Studies and Epidemiological Surveys. Front Psychiatry 2020, 11:591.
7. Li L, Lok GKI, Mei SL, Cui XL, Li L, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Zhang J, An FR, Xiang YT: The severity of mobile phone addiction and its relationship with quality of life in Chinese university students. PeerJ 2020, 8:e8859.
8. Li L, Lok KI, Mei SL, Cui XL, Li L, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Ning YP, An FR, Xiang YT: Sleep duration and self-rated health in Chinese university students. Sleep Breath 2019, 23(4):1351-1356.
9. Li L, Li L, Zhou X, Yu Y, Li Z, Zuo D, Wu Y: Silver nanoparticles induce protective autophagy via Ca(2+)/CaMKKbeta/AMPK/mTOR pathway in SH-SY5Y cells and rat brains. Nanotoxicology 2019, 13(3):369-391.
10. Wang F#, Meng LR#, Zhang QE#, Li L#, Lam Nogueira BOC, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Liu L, Zhao W, Jia FJ et al: Sleep disturbance and its relationship with quality of life in older Chinese adults living in nursing homes. Perspect Psychiatr Care 2019, 55(3):527-532.
11. Wang F#, Chow IHI#, Li L#, Li XH, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Wang AH, Jia FJ, Zhang Y, Xiang YT: Sleep duration and patterns in Chinese patients with diabetes: A meta-analysis of comparative studies and epidemiological surveys. Perspect Psychiatr Care 2019, 55(2):344-353.
12. Li L, Xu DD, Chai JX, Wang D, Li L, Zhang L, Lu L, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Mei SL et al: Prevalence of Internet addiction disorder in Chinese university students: A comprehensive meta-analysis of observational studies. J Behav Addict 2018, 7(3):610-623.
13. Li L, Wang YY, Wang SB, Zhang L, Li L, Xu DD, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Cui X, Liu ZM et al: Prevalence of sleep disturbances in Chinese university students: a comprehensive meta-analysis. J Sleep Res 2018, 27(3):e12648.
14. Wang F#, Meng LR#, Zhang Q#, Li L#, Nogueira B, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Hou CL, Liu L, Zhao W et al: Elder abuse and its impact on quality of life in nursing homes in China. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2018, 78:155-159.
15. Nogueira B#, Li L#, Meng LR, Ungvari GS, Forester BP, Chiu HFK, Kuok KCF, Tran L, Liu ZM, Xiang YT: Prevalence of Sleep Disturbances and Their Associations With Demographic and Clinical Characteristics and Quality of Life in Older Adults in Macao. Perspect Psychiatr Care 2018, 54(1):46-53.
16. Li L, Wang YY, Wang SB, Li L, Lu L, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Chiu HFK, Hou CL, Jia FJ et al: Sleep Duration and Sleep Patterns in Chinese University Students: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. J Clin Sleep Med 2017, 13(10):1153-1162.
17. K CFK#, Li L#, Xiang YT, Nogueira B, Ungvari GS, Ng CH, Chiu HFK, Tran L, Meng LR: Quality of life and clinical correlates in older adults living in the community and in nursing homes in Macao. Psychogeriatrics 2017, 17(3):194-199.
18. Liu M#, Li L#, Zheng SJ, Zhao J, Ungvari GS, Hall BJ, Duan ZP, Xiang YT: Prevalence of Major Depression and Its Associations With Demographic and Clinical Characteristics and Quality of Life in Chinese Patients With HBV-related Liver Diseases. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2017, 31(3):287-290.
19. Li L, Wang ZM, Chiu HF, Ungvari GS, Ng CH, Tse AW, Lok GK, Zhou JS, Xiang YT: Prescription patterns of psychotropic medications and use of electroconvulsive therapy in Chinese patients with dementia. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2015, 53(9):722-727.
20. 李璐,卢浩扬,陈宏镇,黄善情,肖桃,温预关,尚德为;基于群体药动学模型的中国精神分裂症患者氨磺必利血药浓度仿真研究, 中国医院用药评价与分析, 2020,9(8):902-905
21. 李璐,卢浩扬,尚德为,王占璋,邓书华,张明,朱秀清,胡晋卿,倪晓佳,温预关;LC-MS/MS法测定人血清中氟哌啶醇浓度及其临床应用,今日药学,2019,10(29):649-652
22. 李璐,王占璋,胡晋卿,卢浩扬,邓书华,张明,朱秀清,倪晓佳,尚德为,温预关;230例丙戊酸盐类药物不良反应的临床分析,今日药学,2019,30(6):412-414,422