









1、 国家自然科学研究基金,项目名称:基于代谢酶、转运体和受体基因多态性的拉莫三嗪治疗癫痫PKPD研究(81403016)(已结题,排名第二)

2、 广东省自然科学研究基金,项目名称:基于基因多态性与表观遗传调控影响精神分裂症患者中奥氮平个体化治疗的群体药动-药效模型研究(2015A030313808)(已结题,排名第一)

3、 广州市科技计划项目,项目名称:抑郁症治疗的生物标记物研究:犬尿氨酸能活性物质(2014J4100135)(已结题,排名第一)

4、 广东省卫健委适宜推广项目,项目名称:基于LC-MS/MS技术建立测定临床常规神经精神药物血药浓度的质控平台及推广应用(粤卫办函【2018】326号18)(研究中,排名第一)

5、 广东省医院协会药学科研专项基金面上项目,项目名称:基于群体药代动力学建模与仿真氨磺必利在中国精神科患者的个体化用药研究(2021YXMS03)(研究中,排名第一)

6、 广东省医院药学研究基金,项目名称:基于基因多态性和合并用药影响的文拉法辛及其主要代谢产物PPK及个体化用药研究(2021A11)(已结题,排名第一)

7、 广东省医院药学研究基金,项目名称:基于群体药代动力学模型与仿真评价奥氮平在中国精神科老年患者的依从性研究(2022A22)(研究中,排名第一)


1、 荣获2017年中国药学会优秀药师

2、 入选2015-2019年广州市卫生系列重点人才

3、 2017年广东省药学会医院药学科学技术奖二等奖,项目名称:基于LC-MS/MS法创建治疗药物监测质控体系和培训平台(2017J28-R01)

4、 2018年广东省药学会医院药学科学技术奖三等奖,项目名称:新型抗精神分裂症药布南色林在中国健康人群的药动学研究(2018J08-R01)

5、 2019年广东省药理学会新技术应用成果奖二等奖,项目名称:基于LC-MS/MS法创建治疗药物监测技术研究平台及应用([2019]009号)

6、 2019年广东省药学会医院药学科学技术奖三等奖,项目名称:犬尿氨酸能代谢通路活性物质与抑郁障碍的相关性研究(2019J02-R01)

7、 2020年广东省药学会医院药学科学技术奖二等奖,项目名称:基于AGNP共识指南实施精神障碍患者个体化用药研究(2020J11-R01)

8、 2021年广东省药学会医院药学科学技术奖三等奖,项目名称:基于血清药物浓度/剂量比及多重线性回归分析的文拉法辛个体化用药研究(2021J10-R01)

9、 2022年广东省药学会医院药学科学技术奖三等奖,项目名称:基于治疗药物监测和群体药代动力学技术实施奥氮平个体化用药研究(2022J12-R01)


[1] Tao Xiao#, Zhan-Zhang Wang#, Guan-lie Li,Shanqing Huang,Xiuqing Zhu,Shujing Liu,Xiaolin Li,Jinqing Hu, Dewei Shang,Yuguan Wen*. What to do about missed doses? A retrospective study of olanzapine in the elderly[J]. Drug Des Devel Ther,2021,15:3411-3423.

[2] Shanqing Huang#, Lu Li#, Zhanzhang Wang, Tao Xiao,Xiaolin Li,Shujing Liu,.Ming Zhang,Haoyang Lu,Yuguan Wen*,Dewei Shang. Modeling and Simulation for Individualized Therapy of Amisulpride in Chinese Patients with Schizophrenia: Focus on Interindividual Variability, Therapeutic Reference Range and the Laboratory Alert Level[J]. Drug Des Devel Ther,2021,15: 3903–3913.

[3] Xiao-jia Ni, Zhan-Zhang Wang, De-Wei Shang, Hao-Yang Lu, Ming Zhang, Yu-Guan Wen*. Simultaneous Analysis of Olanzapine, Fluoxetine, and Norfluoxetine in Human Plasma Using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Its Application to a Pharmacokinetic Study [J]. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci,2018,1092,506-514.

[4] Wang Zhan-Zhang, Deng Shu-Hua, Lu Hao-Yang, Li Lu, Zhu Xiu-Qing, Hu Jin-Qing, Xie Huan-Shan, Chen Hong-Zhen, Chen Yu-Qing, Zhang Ming, Fang Zi-Yan, Wen Yu-Guan*, Shang De-Wei. Effect of venlafaxine dosage, valproic acid concentration, sex, and age on steady state dose-corrected concentrations of venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine: A retrospective analysis of therapeutic drug monitoring data in a Chinese population [J].  Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp, 2020, 35(3):e2733

[5]  Wang ZZ, Zhang YF, Huang WC, Wang XP, Ni XJ, Lu HY, Hu JQ, Deng SH, Zhu XQ, Xie HS, Chen HZ, Zhang M, Qiu C, Wen YG*, Shang DW. Effects of Comedication and Genetic Factors on the Population Pharmacokinetics of Lamotrigine: A Prospective Analysis in Chinese Patients With Epilepsy. Front in Pharmacol. 2019, 10:832-44.

[6] Shang DW, Wang ZZ, Hu HT, Zhang YF, Ni XJ, Lu HY, Zhang M, Hu JQ, Qiu C, Peng H, Shen LF, Wen YG*. Effects of food and grapefruit juice on single-dose pharmacokinetics of blonanserin in healthy Chinese subjects[J]. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2018, 74(1):61-67.

[7] Shuhua Deng, Xiaojia Ni, Dewei Shang, Zhanzhang Wang, Ming Zhang, Jinqing Hu, Xiuqing Zhu, Haoyang Lu, Yuqing Chen, Yuefeng Zhang, Huan Peng, Yuguan Wen*. Effects of Alcohol on the Pharmacokinetics of Blonanserin and N-Deethylated Blonanserin in Healthy Chinese Subjects [J]. J Clin Psychopharmacol, 2018, 38(2):129-133.

[8] De-Wei Shang, Zhan-Zhang Wang, Hai-Tang Hu, Yue-Feng Zhang, Xiao-Jia Ni, Hao-Yang Lu, Ming Zhang, Jin-Qing Hu, Chang Qiu, Huan Peng, Ling-Fang Shen, Yu-Guan Wen*. Effects of Food and Grapefruit Juice on Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics of Blonanserin in Healthy Chinese Subjects [J]. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 2018, 74(1):61-67.

[9] Shuhua Deng, Wencan Huang, Xiaojia Ni, Ming Zhang, Haoyang Lu, Zhanzhang Wang, Jinqing Hu, Xiuqing Zhu, Chang Qiu, Dewei Shang, Yuefeng Zhang, Linghui Xiong, Yuguan Wen*. Pharmacokinetics of Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine and Hydrocodone in a Combination Oral Liquid Formulation, Administered as Single and Multiple Doses in Healthy Chinese Volunteers, and Comparison With Data for Individual Compounds Formulated as Antuss® [J]. Xenobiotica, 2017, 47(10):870-878.

[10] Hu J, Shang D, Xu X, He X, Ni X, Zhang M, Wang Z, Qiu C, Deng S, Lu H, Zhu X, Huang W, Wen Y*. Effect of Grapefruit Juice and Food on the Pharmacokinetics of Pirfenidone in Healthy Chinese Volunteers: A Diet-Drug Interaction Study [J]. Xenobiotica, 2016, 46(6):516-21.

[11] Shang D, Deng S, Yao Z, Wang Z, Ni X, Zhang M, Hu J, Lu H, Zhu X, Huang W, Qiu C, Wen Y*. The effect of food on the pharmacokinetic properties and bioequivalence of two formulations of pitavastatin calcium in healthy Chinese male subjects [J]. Xenobiotica, 2016, 46(1):34-9.

[12] Deng Shu-Hua, Wang Zhan-Zhang, Lu Hao-Yang,Li Lu, Hu Jin-Qing, Zhu Xiu-Qing, Xie Huan-Shan, Chen Hong-Zhen, Zhang Ming, Ni Xiao-Jia, Qiu Chang., Shang De-Wei, Wen Yu-Guan*. A Retrospective Analysis of Steady-State Olanzapine Concentrations in Chinese Patients Using Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Effects of Valproate and Other Factors.[J] .Ther Drug Monit, 2020, 42: 636-642.

[13] Liu S, Xiao T, Huang S, Li X, Kong W, Yang Y, Zhang Z, Ni X, Lu H, Zhang M, Shang D, Wen Y. Population pharmacokinetics model for escitalopram in Chinese psychiatric patients: effect of CYP2C19 and age. Front Pharmacol. 2022 Jul 18;13:964758. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.964758. PMID: 35924062; PMCID: PMC9340256.

[14] Huang SQ, Li XL, Wang ZZ, Lu HY, Xiao T, Ni XJ, Liu SJ, Zhang M, Shang DW, Wen YG. A Simple and Sensitive HPLC-MS/MS Assay for the Quantitation of Blonanserin and N-Desethyl Blonanserin in Rat Plasma and Its Application to Pharmacokinetic Study. J Anal Methods Chem. 2022 Apr 7;2022:5914581. doi: 10.1155/2022/5914581. PMID: 35433070; PMCID: PMC9010218.

[15] Zhu X, Zhang M, Wen Y, Shang D. Machine learning advances the integration of covariates in population pharmacokinetic models: Valproic acid as an example. Front Pharmacol. 2022 Oct 17;13:994665. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.994665. PMID: 36324679; PMCID: PMC9621318.

[16] Wang Z, Li L, Huang S, Wang X, Liu S, Li X, Kong W, Ni X, Zhang M, Huang S, Tan Y, Wen Y, Shang D. Joint population pharmacokinetic modeling of venlafaxine and O-desmethyl venlafaxine in healthy volunteers and patients to evaluate the impact of morbidity and concomitant medication. Front Pharmacol. 2022 Dec 8;13:978202. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.978202. PMID: 36569310; PMCID: PMC9772442.

[17] Zhu X, Hu J, Xiao T, Huang S, Shang D, Wen Y. Integrating machine learning with electronic health record data to facilitate detection of prolactin level and pharmacovigilance signals in olanzapine-treated patients. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022 Oct 13;13:1011492. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.1011492. PMID: 36313772; PMCID: PMC9606398.



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