冯森玲,男,博士,副研究员,药学硕士研究生导师。博士毕业于澳门科技大学,2019年于3044澳门永利集团欢迎您附属第三医院工作。世界中联中医药免疫专业委员会理事、广东省药学会第二届药学科普专家委员会常务委员、广东省中医药学会中药药剂与药理专业委员会委员。国家自然科学基金及广东省自然科学基金评审,World Journal of Gastroenterology、Traditional Medicine Research、Frontiers in Pharmacology、山东医药等杂志编委及审稿专家。
1.SL Feng1,HF Zhou1,DY Wu,DC Zheng,B Qu,RM Liu,C Zhang,Z Li,Y Xie*.HB Luo*. Nobiletin and its derivatives overcome multidrug resistance (MDR) in cancer: total synthesis and discovery of potent MDR reversal agents[J].Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B,2020,10(2):327-343.
2.SL Feng, HB Luo, L Cai, J Zhang, D Wang, YJ Chen, HX Zhan, Y Xie*.Ginsenoside Rg5 overcomes chemotherapeutic multidrug resistance mediated by ABCB1 transporter: in vitro and in vivo study.J ginseng research.2020,44(2),247-257.
3.SL Feng1, Y Tian1, S Huo1, B Qu, RM Liu, P Xu,Y Xie*.Nobiletin potentiates paclitaxel anticancer efficacy in A549/T xenograft model: pharmacokinetic and pharmacological study[J].Phytomedicine,2020, 67.
4.SL Feng, ZW Yuan, XJ Yao, WZ Ma, L Liu & Y Xie*.Tangeretin, a citrus pentamethoxyflavone, antagonizes ABCB1-mediated multidrug resistance by inhibiting its transport function.Pharmacological research. 2016;110:193-204.
5.Xie Ying1,Feng SenLing1, He Fang,Yan PeiYu,Yao XiaoJun,Fan XingXing, Leung Elaine Lai Han, Zhou Hua. Down-regulating Nrf2 by tangeretin reverses multiple drug resistance to both chemotherapy and EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in lung cancer[J]. Pharmacological research,2022,186.
6. Huang Hongliang, Dai Yuexiang, Duan Yingying,Yuan Zhongwen,Li Yanxuan, Zhang Maomao,Zhu Wenting,Yu Hang,Zhong Wenfei,Feng Senling*. Effective prediction of potential ferroptosis critical genes in clinical colorectal cancer [J]. Frontiers in Oncology,2022,12.
7.SL Feng1,YH Zhou1, HL Huang1, Y Lin, YF Zeng, SS Han, KK Huang, QZ Liu, WT Zhu, ZW Yuan*, BY Liang*. Nobiletin induces ferroptosis in human skin melanoma cells through the GSK3β-mediated Keap1/Nrf2/HO-1 signalling pathway.Frontiers in genetics.2022;13,865073:1-13.
8.Feng S1,Zhang J1, Liang B, Jin H, Yuan Z*. Effects of Cyclocarya paliurus flavonoid extract in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis mice: Intermeshing network pharmacology and in vivo pharmacological evaluation.Phcog Mag.2021;17: 765-773.
9.Feng SL1, Zhang J1, Jin H, Zhu WT, Yuan Z*. A Network Pharmacology Study of the Molecular Mechanisms of Hypericum japonicum in the Treatment of Cholestatic Hepatitis with Validation in an Alpha-Naphthylisothiocyanate (ANIT) Hepatotoxicity Rat Model.Med Sci Monit.2021,3;27:e928402.
2. Ma WZ,Feng SL, Yao XJ, Yuan ZW, Liu L, Xie Y. Use of tangeretin in cancer treatment. Australian Patent. No.2015101288. U.S. Patent No. 9,808,439.