




wzzhang0590@163.com, wangzhanzhang@gzhmu.edu.cn




(1) 广州市科学技术局, 基础与应用基础研究项目, 202201010736, 托吡酯通过抑制AMPAR-CaMKII调控下游Akt-GSK-CREB通路治疗酒精依赖的机制研究, 2022-04 至今, 5万元, 在研, 主持

(2) 广州市荔湾区科技工业和信息化局, 民生科技项目, 20230711, 文拉法辛通过 RARα 通路调节小胶质细胞犬尿氨酸代谢过程缓解神经性疼痛的研究, 2023-04 至今, 5万元, 在研, 主持

(3) 广东省卫生健康委员会, 广东省医学科学技术研究基金项目, A2023268, 基于代谢酶、转运体基因多态性和犬尿氨酸代谢通路的文拉法辛治疗抑郁症的群体药动学-药效学模型研究, 2023-07 至今, 1万元, 在研, 主持

(4) 广东省自然科学基金, 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目, 2021A1515011325, 基于GR-BDNF- (PLCγ)-Glu信号通路介导的地西泮治疗酒精依赖作用及机制研究, 2021-05 至 2024-04, 10万元, 结题, 参与

(5) 广东省自然科学基金, 面上项目, 2018A0303130074, 基于基因组学、表观遗传调控与代谢组学的奥氮平个体化用药研究, 2018-05 至 2023-04, 10万元, 结题, 参与

(6) 广州市科学技术局, 广州市科技计划项目, 202102080030, GR-BDNF- (PLC-γ)-Glu通路代谢异常导致酒精成瘾的机制研究, 2021-04 至 2023-03, 5万元, 结题, 参与

(7) 广州市卫生健康委员会, 西医类-一般引导项目, 20191A011043, 可吸收水凝胶负载布南色林药物递送系统的构建及性能评价, 2019-05 至 2021-04, 1.5万元, 结题, 主持

(8) 广州市荔湾区科技工业和信息化局, 民生科技项目, 201804017, 布南色林温敏水胶凝的制备及质量评价, 2018-06 至 2020-05, 5万元, 结题, 主持



2021-2022 学年本科优秀教学秘书



1. Guo Z, Chen C, Deng S, Lu H, Ni X, Zhang M, Huang S, Wen Y, Shang D, Wang Z#. Factors influencing concentrations of risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidone in psychiatric outpatients taking immediate-release formulations of risperidone. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2024;39(1):e2886.

2. Wang Z, Zhu X, Wen Y, Shang D. Bibliometric analysis of global research on the role of apolipoprotein E in Alzheimer's disease. Heliyon. 2023;9(7):e17987.

3. Wang Z, Huang S, Li L, Wen Y, Shang D. Kynurenine metabolite changes in individuals with alcohol use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug and alcohol dependence. 2023;249:110821.

4. Wang Z, Zhu X, Ni X, Wen Y, Shang D. Knowledge atlas of the involvement of glutamate and GABA in alcohol use disorder: A bibliometric and scientometric analysis. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2022;13:965142.

5. Wang Z, Li L, Huang S, Wang X, Liu S, Li X, et al. Joint population pharmacokinetic modeling of venlafaxine and O-desmethyl venlafaxine in healthy volunteers and patients to evaluate the impact of morbidity and concomitant medication. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2022;13:978202.

6. Xiao T*, Wang Z*, Li G, Huang S, Zhu X, Liu S, et al. What to Do About Missed Doses? A Retrospective Study of Olanzapine in the Elderly. Drug design, development and therapy. 2021;15:3411-23.

7. Wang ZZ, Deng SH, Lu HY, Li L, Zhu XQ, Hu JQ, et al. Effect of venlafaxine dosage, valproic acid concentration, sex, and age on steady state dose-corrected concentrations of venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine: A retrospective analysis of therapeutic drug monitoring data in a Chinese population. Human psychopharmacology. 2020;35(3):e2733.

8. Deng SH*, Wang ZZ*, Lu HY, Li L, Hu JQ, Zhu XQ, et al. A retrospective analysis of steady-state olanzapine concentrations in chinese patients using therapeutic drug monitoring: effects of valproate and other factors. Therapeutic drug monitoring. 2020;42(4):636-42.

9. Wang ZZ, Zhang YF, Huang WC, Wang XP, Ni XJ, Lu HY, et al. Effects of comedication and genetic factors on the population pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine: a prospective analysis in chinese patients with epilepsy. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2019;10:832.

10. Ni XJ*, Wang ZZ*, Shang DW, Lu HY, Zhang M, Wen YG. Simultaneous analysis of olanzapine, fluoxetine, and norfluoxetine in human plasma using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and its application to a pharmacokinetic study. Journal of chromatography B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences. 2018;1092:506-14.

11. Wang ZZ, Lu HY, Shang DW, Ni XJ, Zhang M, Wen YG. Development and validation of an HILIC-MS/MS method by one-step precipitation for chloroquine in miniature pig plasma. Bioanalysis. 2016;8(11):1159-71.

12. Wang ZZ, Zhang M, Shang DW, Ni XJ, Hu JQ, Qiu C, et al. A rapid LC-MS/MS quantification of peramivir using a simple and inexpensive sample precipitation: application to PK. Bioanalysis. 2015;7(3):319-32.

13. Ni XJ*, Wang ZZ*, Shang DW, Zhang M, Hu JQ, Qiu C, et al. Simultaneous determination of glimepiride and pioglitazone in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and its application to pharmacokinetic study. Journal of chromatography B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences. 2014;960:247-52.

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