2013年毕业于复旦大学附属肿瘤医院获肿瘤学博士学位,2013年6月至2015年9月于中山大学肿瘤防治中心华南肿瘤学国家重点实验室从事博士后研究工作,2015年9月入职广州市妇女儿童医疗中心儿科研究所从事儿童肿瘤分子流行病学研究。现任Frontiers in Oncology、Frontiers in Medicine、Gene等杂志编辑,Lancet Child Adolesc Health、Int J Cancer、Mol Ther Nucleic Acids、Brit J Cancer、Cancer、EBioMedicine、Environ Int等90余个杂志审稿人。迄今为止,共发表SCI收录文章180余篇,其中第一作者17篇,共同第一作者9篇,共同通讯/通讯作者106篇。发表文章被引用3400余次,h指数为34,i10指数为89。
1. He J, Zou Y, Liu X, Zhu J, Zhang J, Zhang R, Yang T, Xia H. (2018) Association of common genetic variants in pre-microRNAs and neuroblastoma susceptibility: a two-center study in Chinese children. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 11: 1-8.
2. Zhu J, Jia W, Wu C, Fu W, Xia H, Liu GC, He J. (2018) Base excision repair gene polymorphisms and Wilms tumor susceptibility. EBioMedicine 33:88-93.
3. Zhuo Z, Lu H, Zhu J, Hua RX, Li Y, Yang Z, Zhang J, Cheng J, Zhou H, Li S, Li L, Xia H, He J. (2020) METTL14 gene polymorphisms confer neuroblastoma susceptibility: an eight-center case-control study. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 22: 17-26.
4. Zhuo Z, Zhou C, Fang Y, Zhu J, Lu H, Zhou H, Wu H, Wang Y, He J. (2020) Correlation between the genetic variants of base excision repair (BER) pathway genes and neuroblastoma susceptibility in eastern Chinese children. Cancer Commun 40: 641-646.
5. Zhuo ZJ, Hua RX, Chen Z, Zhu J, Wang M, Yang Z, Zhang J, Li Y, Li L, Li S, Xin Y, Xia H, He J. (2020) WTAP gene variants confer hepatoblastoma susceptibility: a seven-center case-control study. Mol Ther Oncolytics 18: 118-125.