



付晓东教授目前兼任呼吸疾病全国重点实验室血管组学副组长,广东省教育厅高校血管重点实验室副主任,广东省生理学会副理事长。曾任职3044澳门永利集团欢迎您基础医学院副经理(2014-2019)、科研处处长(2019-2022)、规划处处长(2022-2024)。主持主持国家自然科学基金五项、广东省教育厅血管创新团队项目、广东省自然科学基金、教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金、教育部归国留学人员科研启动基金、广州市羊城学者(首席科学家)项目等课题。为南山学者第四层次人才,第三届广州市羊城学者首席科学家,广州市“珠江科技新星”、广州市“121人才梯队工程”第三梯队后备人才,2018年获得“广东省医学领军人才和杰出青年医学人才”称号,担任《British Journal of Pharmacology》、《BMC Cancer》、《Maturitas》、《Gynecological Endocrinology》杂志审稿人。自07年以来以第一或通讯作者发表论文42篇,其中SCI收录论文38篇。























1. 2017年培养博士研究生李潇洒获得“国家奖学金”;

2. 2017年培养博士研究生李潇洒获得“优秀研究生”称号;

3. 2023年培养硕士研究生高泳琦获得“国家奖学金”;


2024 年 广州市第二批教育评价改革试点项目 建构一流学科绩效评价体系,赋能“双一流”建设高质量发展。

2023 年 2023年佛山市促进高校科技成果服务产业发展扶持办法拟扶持项目3044澳门永利集团欢迎您资产经营有限公司-转化工作站。资助经费:20万。项目负责人,在研。

2021 年 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO: 82171631)常氧/低氧状态下雌激素逆向调控肺动脉血管平滑肌细胞METTL3/PFKFB3表达及肺动脉高压发生的作用机制研究。资助经费:54万。起止年月:2022.1-2025.12 项目负责人,在研。

2021 年 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您基础医学院2021年团队建设项目(JCXKJS2021A02) 常氧/低氧状态下雌激素逆向调控肺动脉血管平滑肌细胞METTL3/PFKFB3表达及肺动脉高压发生的作用机制研究。资助经费:45万。起止年月2021.06-2023.05 项目负责人,在研。

2019年 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您高水平大学创新团队培育计划(2018KCXTD024) 广东省普通高校创新团队项目-血管疾病研究创新团队。资助经费:50 万。起止年月:2018.1-2022.12 项目负责人,已结题。

2019年 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO: 81871137)FSH调控miR-7641/Twist1诱导内皮间充质转化及动脉粥样斑块不稳定性。资助经费:57万。起止年月:2019.1-2022.12 项目负责人,已结题。


1) Xu X, Zhuang X, Yu H, Li P, Li X, Lin H, Teoh JP, Chen Y, Yang Y, Cheng Y*, Chen W*, Fu X*. Fsh induces emt in ovarian cancer via alkbh5-regulated snail m6a demethylation. Theranostics. 2024; 14(5): 2151-2166. IF 12.4

2) Li X, Fan C, Wang J, Li P, Xu X, Guo R, Wei J, Cheng Y*, Lin H*, Fu X*. Follicle-stimulating hormone accelerates osteoclast migration by enhancing methyltransferase-like 3-mediated m6a methylation of cathepsin k. Journal of molecular endocrinology. 2024; 72(3):e230130. IF 3.5

3) Cao K, Zhang T, Li Z, Song M, Li A, Yan J, Guo S, Wang L, Huang S, Li Z, Hou W, Dai X, Wang Y, Feng D, He J, Fu X*, Xu Y*. Glycolysis and de novo fatty acid synthesis cooperatively regulate pathological vascular smooth muscle cell phenotypic switching and neointimal hyperplasia. The Journal of pathology. 2023; 259(4):388-401. IF 7.3

4) Wang S, Yu H, Gao J, Chen J, He P, Zhong H, Tan X, Staines KA, Macrae VE, Fu X*, Jiang L*, Zhu D*. Palmd regulates aortic valve calcification via altered glycolysis and nf-κb-mediated inflammation. Journal of biological chemistry. 2022; 298(5):101887. IF 4.8

5) Guo S#, Li A#, Fu X#, Li Z, Cao K, Song M, Huang S, Li Z, Yan J, Wang L, Dai X, Feng D, Wang Y, He J, Huo Y, Xu Y. Gene-dosage effect of Pfkfb3 on monocyte/macrophage biology in atherosclerosis. British journal of pharmacology. 2022; 179(21):4974-4991. IF 7.3

6) Chen J, Yu H, Tan X, Mok SWF, Xie Y, Wang Y, Jiang X, Macrae VE, Lan L*, Fu X*, Zhu D*. Pfkbf3-driven vascular smooth muscle cell glycolysis promotes vascular calcification via the altered foxo3 and lactate production. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2023; 37(10): e23182. IF 4.8

7) Zheng S, Wu L, Fan C, Lin J, Zhang Y, Simoncini T, Fu X*. The role of gα protein signaling in the membrane estrogen receptor-mediated signaling. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology. 2021; 37(1):2-9. IF 2.0

8) Zhao X, Li X, Liu P, Li P, Xu X, Chen Y, Cheng Y*, Zhu D* and Fu X*. 17β-estradiol promotes angiogenesis through non-genomic activation of smad1 signaling in endometriosis. Vascular pharmacology. 2021;142:106932. IF 4.0

9) Teoh J P, Li X, Simoncini T, Zhu D*, and Fu X* (2020). Estrogen-mediated gaseous signaling molecules in cardiovascular disease. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism.2020;31(10):773-784. IF 10.9

10) He P, Yu H, Jiang L, Chen Z, Wang S, Macrae VE, Fu X*, and Zhu D*. Hdac9 inhibits medial artery calcification through down-regulation of osterix. Vascular pharmacology. 2020;132:106775. IF 4.0

11) Zhao L, Cao X, Li L, Wang X, Wang Q, Jiang S, Tang C, Zhou S, Xu N, Cui Y, Hu W, Fei L, Zheng Z, Chen L, Schmidt MO, Wei Q, Zhao J, Labes R, Patzak A, Wilcox CS, Fu X*, Wellstein A*, and Lai EY*. Acute kidney injury sensitizes the brain vasculature to ang II (angiotensin II) constriction via fgfbp1 (fibroblast growth factor binding protein 1). Hypertension. 2020;76(6):1924-1934. IF 8.3

12) Chen Z, F. Gordillo-Martinez, Jiang L, He P, Hong W, Wei X, Staines KA., Macrae VE., Zhang C, Yu D, Fu X*, Zhu D*. Zinc ameliorates human aortic valve calcification through gpr39 mediated erk1/2 signaling pathway. Cardiovascular research. 2021;117(3):820-835. IF 10.9

13) Xu X., Yan Q, Liu X, Li P, Li X, Chen Y, Simoncini T, Liu J, Zhu D*, Fu X*. 17beta-Estradiol nongenomically induces vascular endothelial h2s release by promoting phosphorylation of cystathionine gamma-lyase. Journal of biological chemistry, 2019; 294(43):15577-15592. IF 4.8

 14) Meng X, Li X, Xu X, Li P, Chen Y, Fu X*, Xu X*. Elevated luteinizing hormone contributes to atherosclerosis formation by inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis via pi3k/akt pathway. Vascular pharmacology. 121: 106582.. IF 4.0

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