
Miguel A. Esteban

Miguel A. Esteban,男,研究员,博士生导师,1970年生。


1988-1994  学士学位, 医学与外科学专业  纳瓦拉大学

1999-2003   博士学位, 生物化学与分子生物学专业 马德里自治大学

1991-1992  纳瓦拉大学病理学系,研究助理

1992-1993  纳瓦拉大学微生物学系,研究助理

1995-1998 公主医院 (马德里,西班牙)急症科夜间轮值医生

2004-2007 伦敦帝国学院医学部肾脏实验室,副研究员

2007-至今 广州生物医药与健康研究院,研究员  






博士前奖学金BEFI(2001)  卡洛斯三世卫生机构

博士前奖学金FPI(1999)  马德里自治区

短期访问研究奖(2002)  卡洛斯三世卫生机构(伦敦帝国学院,肾脏实验室)

访问研究奖(2003)  Wellcome Trust基金会,奖金金额超过£90,000 项目名称:Enzyme-substrate interactions underlying the hydroxylation of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor by oxygen dependent-dioxygenases

英国一联合癌症研究项目负责人之一(2004 项目经费超过£50,000;项目名称:Role of the von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor in regulating intercellular adhesion

英国一联合癌症研究项目负责人之一(2006 项目经费超过£100,000;项目名称:Role of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor in controlling epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions


1、 Ho JC, Zhou T, Lai WH, Huang Y, Chan YC, Li X, Wong NL, Li Y, Au KW, Guo D, Xu J, Siu CW, Pei D, Tse HF, Esteban MA*. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell lines from 3 distinct laminopathies bearing heterogeneous mutations in lamin A/C. AGING 2011. 22(7): 1221-8.  

2、 Liao B, Bao X, Liu L, Feng S, Zovoilis A, Liu W, Xue Y, Cai J, Guo X, Qin B, Zhang R, Wu J, Lai L, Teng M, Niu L, Zhang B, Esteban MA*, Pei D.Microrna cluster 302-367 enhances somatic cell reprogramming by accelerating a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011. 286(19): 17359-64.  

3 Zhou T, Benda C, Dunzinger S, Huang Y, Ho JC, Yang J, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhuang Q, Li Y, Bao X, Tse HF, Grillari J, Grillari-Voglauer R, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from urine. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2011. 22(7): 1221-8.

4 Zhang S, Chen S, Li W, Guo X, Zhao P, Xu J, Chen Y, Pan Q, Liu X, Zychlinski D, Lu H, Tortorella MD, Schambach A, Wang Y, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Rescue of ATP7B function in hepatocyte-like cells from Wilsons disease induced pluripotent stem cells using gene therapy or the chaperone drug curcumin. Human molecular genetics 2011. 20(16): 3176-87.

5 J Xu, B Wang, Y Xu, L Sun, W Tian, D Shukla, R Barod, J Grillari, R Grillari-Voglauer, PH Maxwell and Esteban MA*. Epigenetic regulation of HIF-1a in renal cancer cells involves HIF-1a/2a binding to a reverse hypoxia-response element. Oncogene 2011.31(8):1065-72.  

6 Wang T, Chen K, Zeng X, Yang J, Wu Y, Shi X, Qin B, Zeng L, Esteban MA, Pan G, Pei D. Histone Demethylases Jhdm1a/1b Enhance Somatic Cell Reprogramming in a Vitamin C Dependent Manner. Cell Stem Cell 2011. 9(6): 575-587.  

7 Li W, Wang X, Fan W, Zhao P, Chan YC, Chen S, Zhang S, Guo X, Zhang Y, Li Y, Cai J, Qin D, Li X, Yang J, Peng T, Zychlinski D, Hoffmann D, Zhang R, Deng K, Ng KM, Menten B, Zhong M, Wu J, Li Z, Chen Y, Schambach A, Tse HF, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Modeling Abnormal Early Development with Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Aneuploid Syndromes. Human molecular genetics 2012. 21(1): 32-35.  

8 Esteban MA*, Pei D. Vitamin C improves the quality of somatic cell reprogramming. Nature Genetics 2012.44(4):36-7.

9 Zhou T, Benda C, Dunzinger S, Huang Y, Ho JC, Yang J, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhuang Q, Li Y, Bao X, Tse HF, Grillari J, Grillari-Voglauer R, Pei D, Esteban MA*. A protocol for generating human induced pluripotent stem cells from urine samples. Nature protocol 2012.10:2080-9

10Esteban MA, Bao X, Zhuang Q, Qin B, Pei D. The mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition in somatic cell reprogramming. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2012. 22(5):423-8.

11 Tian W, Cui F, Esteban MA*. E2F1 in renal cancer: Mr Hyde disguised as Dr Jekyll?Journal of Pathology 2013. 231: 143146

12  Zhuang Q, Qing X, Ying Y, Wu H, Benda C, Lin J, Huang Z, Liu L, Xu Y, Bao X, Qin B, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Class IIa histone deacetylases and myocyte enhancer factor 2 proteins regulate the mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition of somatic cell reprogramming. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013. 288(17) 12022-31.

13 Bao X, Zhu X, Liao B, Benda C, Zhuang Q, Pei D, Qin B, Esteban MA*. MicroRNAs in somatic cell reprogramming. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2013. 25(2):208-14.

14 Xu Y, Liu L, Laslett AL, Esteban MA *. Cell Reprogramming: into the groove. Nature Materials. 2013. 12:1082-1084. (News and Views)

15 Tian W, Wang Y, Xu Y, Guo X, Wang B, Sun L, Liu L, Cui F, Zhuang Q, Bao X, Schley G, Chung TL, Laslett AL, Willam C, Qin B, Maxwell PH, Esteban MA *. Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Renders Cancer Cells More Sensitive to Vitamin C-Induced Toxicity. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2014. 289(6): 3339-51.

16 Wang Y, Fan N, Tian W, Cui F, Newsome PN, Frampton J, Esteban MA* and Lai L. Generation of knockout rabbits using transcription activator-like effect or nucleases. Cell Regeneration 2014. 3:3

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