

姓名:龙琪 性别:男 出生日期:1986-05-21



2016- 2021中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,助理研究员

2011- 2015中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,研究实习员


2017.08 - 2020.07香港中文大学,生物医学学院,博士


2004.09 - 2008.07 中国科学技术大学,生命科学学院,本科


本人主要关注线粒体与细胞核相互作用,以及线粒体对多能干细胞命运的调控。发表SCI研究论文32篇,其中通讯作者或者第一作者论文14篇,包括NatureStructural & Molecular Biology、NatureCommunications、Autophagy、EMBO Reports等国际著名期刊;申请国家专利4项,获批2项。主持1项国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(2017),1项广东省自然科学基金青年提升项目(2022)以及1项广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2019),并参与多个重大科研项目。获评南山学者后备人才;作为骨干成员,获得2020年广东省自然科学一等奖。



2.国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,32261160376,线粒体DNA甲基化调控线粒体类核相分离及转录机制的研究,2023/01-2026/12, 100万,在研,广医负责人。










1.Qi Long#,Kai Yan#, Chendong Wang, Yanling Wen, Furong Qi, Hui Wang, Peng Shi; Xingguo Liu, Wai-Yee Chan, Xuemei Lu*, Hui Zhao*, Modification of Maternally Defined H3K4me3 Regulates the Inviability of Interspecific Xenopus Hybrids, Science Advances, 2023. (已接收,IF16.9)

2.Q. Long#, Y. Zhou#, H. Wu#, S. Du, M. Hu, W. Li, J. Qi, L. Yang, L. Wang, P. Li and X. Liu*. Phase separation drives the self-assembly of mitochondrial nucleoids for transcription modulation.NatureStructural& Molecular Biology. 2021.28(11): 900-908. (IF 18.361)

3.Wei Li#,Qi Long#, Hao Wu#,Yanshuang Zhou,Lifan Duan, Hao Yuan, Yi Wu, Delong Liu, Juntao Qi, Shiwei Du, Linpeng Li, Yang Liu, Zifeng Ruan, Zihuang Liu, Zichao Liu, Yifan Zhao, Jian Zhang, Xingguo Liu*, Nuclear Translocation of Mitochondrial TCA Cycle Enzymes Modulates Pluripotency via Histone Acetylation,NatureCommunications, 2022. (共一作,IF 17.694)

4.Y. Zhou#,Q. Long#, H. Wu, W. Li, J. Qi, Y. Wu, G. Xiang, H. Tang, L. Yang, K. Chen, L. Li, F. Bao, H. Li, Y. Wang. M. LiandX. Liu*.Topology-dependent, bifurcated mitochondrial quality control under starvation.Autophagy. 2020.16(3): 562-574.(共同第一作者,封面文章,IF 16.586)

5.X. Su*, S. Bai#, G. Xie#, Y Shi#, L. Zhao, G. Yang, F. Tian, K. He, L. Wang, X. Li,Q. Long*, Z. Han*,Accurate tumor clonal structures require single-cell analysis.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2022.1517(1):213-224(共通讯作者, IF 6.499)

6.Q. Long#, J. Qi#, W. Li#, Y. Zhou, K. Chen, H. Wu and X. Liu*. Protocol for detecting chromatin dynamics and screening chromatin relaxer by FRAP assay.Star Protocols. 2021.2(3): 100706 (Cell新子刊)

7.Y. Zhou#,Q. Long#, Liu, X*. A new sight: topology-dependent mitophagy. Cell Biologyand Toxicology. 2020.36, 199-204.(共同第一作者,IF 6.029)

8.X. Su#,Q. Long#, J. Bo#, Y. Shi#, L.N. Zhao, Y. Lin, Q. Luo, S. Ghazanfar, C. Zhang, Q. Liu, L. Wang, K. He, J. He, X. Cui, J.Y.H. Yang, Z.G. Han, G. Yang, and J.J. Sha*. Mutational and transcriptomic landscapes of a rare human prostate basal cell carcinoma.Prostate. 2020.80(6): p. 508-517. (共同第一作者,IF 4.1)

9.K. Chen#,Q. Long#, T. Wang, D. Zhao, Y. Zhou, J. Qi, Y. Wu, S. Li, C. Chen, X. Zeng, J. Yang, Z. Zhou, W. Qin, X. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Li, X. Huang, D. Qin, J. Chen, G. Pan, H. R. Scholer, G. Xu, X. Liu* and D. Pei*.Gadd45a is a heterochromatin relaxer that enhances iPS cell generation.EMBO Rep.2016.17(11): p. 1641-1656. (共同第一作者,IF 10.715)

10.Q. Long#, D. Zhao#, W. Fan, L. Yang, Y. Zhou, J. Qi, X. Wang* and X. Liu*.Modeling of Mitochondrial Donut Formation.Biophysical J. 2015.109(5): p. 892-9. (IF 4.03)

11.Y. Gong#,Q. Long#, H. Xie, T. Zhang and T. Peng*.Cloning and characterization of human Golgi phosphoprotein 2 gene (GOLPH2/GP73/GOLM1) promoter.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2012.421(4):713-720. (共同第一作者,IF=3.6)

12.K.Chen,Q. Long, G. Xing, T. Wang, Y. Wu, L. Li, J. Qi, Y. Zhou, B. Ma, H. R. Scholer, J. Nie, D. Pei and X. Liu*. Heterochromatin loosening by the Oct4 linker region facilitates Klf4 binding and iPSC reprogramming.EMBO J.2019. e99165.

13.G. Xiang, L. Yang#,Q. Long#, K. Chen, H. Tang, Y. Wu, Z. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. Qi, L. Zheng, W. Liu, Z. Ying, W. Fan, H. Shi, H. Li, X. Lin, M. Gao, J. Liu, F. Bao, L. Li, L. Duan, M. Li and X. Liu*.BNIP3L-dependent mitophagy accounts for mitochondrial clearance during 3 factors-induced somatic cell reprogramming.Autophagy:2017: p. 1-13. (共同第二作者)

14.H. Wang#, C. Wang#,Q. Long, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, J. Liu, X. Qi, D. Cai, G. Lu, J. Sun, YG. Yao, WY. Chan, WY. Chan, Y. Deng and H. Zhao. Kindlin2 regulates neural crest specification via integrin-independent regulation of the FGF signaling pathway.Development. 2021.148(10):dev199441.

15.D. Yao, Y. Li, S. Zeng, Z. Li, Z. Shah, B. Song, J. Liu, Y. Wu, L. Yang,Q. Long, W. Wang, Z. Hu, H. Tang and X. Liu*. "Short-form OPA1 is a molecular chaperone in mitochondrial intermembrane space."Sci China Life Sci. 2021.

16.X. Su#*, L. Zhao#, Y. Shi#, R. Zhang,Q. Long,S. Bai, Q. Luo, Y. Lin, X. Zou, S. Ghazanfar, K. Tao, G. Yang, L. Wang, K.Y. He, X. Cui, J. He, J.X. Wu, B. Han, B. Yan, B. Deng, N. Wang, X. Li, P. Yang, S. Hou, J. Sun, J.Y.H. Yang, J. Chen*, and Z.G. Han*, Clonal evolution in liver cancer at single-cell and single-variant resolution.J Hematol Oncol, 2021.14(1): p. 22.

17.L.Li#, K. Chen#, T. Wang#, Y. Wu#, G. Xing, M. Chen, Z. Hao, C. Zhang, J. Zhang, B. Ma, Z. Liu, H. Yuan, Z. Liu,Q. Long, Y. Zhou, J. Qi, D. Zhao, M. Gao, D. Pei, J. Nie, D. Ye, G. Pan, and X. Liu*. Glis1 facilitates induction of pluripotency via an epigenome-metabolome-epigenome signaling cascade.Nature Metabolism, 2020.2(9): p. 882-892.

18.Z. Ying#, G. Xiang, L#. Zheng, H. Tang, L. Duan, X. Lin, Q. Zhao, K. Chen, Y. Wu, G. Xing, Y. Lv, L. Li, L. Yang, F. Bao,Q. Long, Y. Zhou, X. He, Y. Wang, M. Gao, D. Pei,W.Y. Chan, and X. Liu*.Short-Term Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore Opening Modulates Histone Lysine Methylation at the Early Phase of Somatic Cell Reprogramming.Cell Metabolism. 2018.28(6): p. 935-945 e5.

19.F. Bao, H. Shi, M. Gao, L. Yang, L. Zhou, Q. Zhao, Y. Wu, K. Chen, G. Xiang,Q. Long, J. Guo, J. Zhang and X. Liu*.Polybrene induces neural degeneration by bidirectional Ca(2+) influx-dependent mitochondrial and ER-mitochondrial dynamics.Cell Death & Disease. 2018.9(10): p. 966.

20.L. Li, K. Chen, Y. Wu,Q. Long, D. Zhao, B. Ma, D. Pei and X. Liu*.Gadd45a opens up the promoter regions of miR-295 facilitating pluripotency induction.Cell Death & Disease. 2017.8(10): p. e3107

21.X. Liu, L. Yang,Q. Long,D. Weaver and G. Hajnóczky*.Choosing proper fluorescent dyes, proteins, and imaging techniques to study mitochondrial dynamics in mammalian cells.Biophysics Rep. 2017.

22.F. X. Bao, H. Y. Shi,Q. Long, L. Yang, Y. Wu, Z. F. Ying, D. J. Qin, J. Zhang, Y. P. Guo, H. M. Li and X. Liu*.Mitochondrial Membrane Potential-dependent Endoplasmic Reticulum Fragmentation is an Important Step in Neuritic Degeneration.CNS Neurosci Ther.2016.22(8): p. 648-60.

23.Z. Ying, K. Chen, L. Zheng, Y. Wu, L. Li, R. Wang,Q. Long, L. Yang, Guo J, D. Yao, Li Y, F. Bao, G. Xiang, J. Liu, Q. Huang, Z. Wu, Hutchins AP, D. Pei, X. Liu*.Transient Activation of Mitoflashes Modulates Nanog at the Early Phase of Somatic Cell Reprogramming.Cell Metabolism. 2016.23(1): p. 220-6.

24.L. Yang,Q. Long, K. Chen, S. Li, G. Xiang, S. Chen, X. Liu, Y. Li, L. Yang, D. Dong, C. Jiang, Z. Feng, D. Qin, X. Liu*.Mitochondrial fusion provides an 'initial metabolic complementation' controlled by mtDNA.Cell Mol Life Sci, 2015.72(13): p. 2585-98

25.S. Li, J. Guo, Z. Ying, S. Chen, L. Yang, K. Chen,Q. Long, D. Qin, D. Pei, and X. Liu*.Valproic acid-induced hepatotoxicity in Alpers syndrome is associated with mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening-dependent apoptotic sensitivity in an induced pluripotent stem cell model.Hepatology.2015.61(5): p. 1730-9.

26.F. Wang,Q. Long, Y. Gong, L. Hu, H. Zhang, P. Oettgen, T. Peng*.Epithelium-Specific ETS (ESE)-1 upregulated GP73 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma cells.Cell Biosciences.2014.4(1): p. 76.

27.W. Liu,Q. Long, K. Chen, S. Li, G. Xiang, S. Chen, X. Liu, Y. Li, L. Yang, D. Dong, C. Jiang, Z. Feng, D. Qin, X. Liu*.Mitochondrial metabolism transition cooperates with nuclear reprogramming during induced pluripotent stem cell generation.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2013.431(4): p. 767-71.

28.Daniel J Klionsky, …Q. Long…. ,Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4thedition).Autophagy. 2021. P.1-382.


1.刘兴国,裴端卿,陈可实,龙琪,王涛,改变细胞命运的方法,中国, 专利号:ZL 201310265256.0。(已授权)









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