

使用神经影像、脑电和计算模型等方式探讨抑郁症疾病标记、发展和治疗。 相关信息见https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wen_Hua_Liu

工作:2016 - date: 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您, 卫生管理学院心理学系, 副教授;2015 - 2017: 英国伦敦大学学院,访问学者;2009 - 2015: 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您, 卫生管理学院心理系, 讲师。

教育:2006 - 2009: 中山大学, 神经生物学专业,博士



1.Wang, Y.#, H. S. Shi#, W. H. Liu#, D. J. Xie, F. L. Geng, C. Yan, Y. Wang, Y. H. Xiao, S. H. W. So, C. D. Chiu, P. W. L. Leung, E. F. C. Cheung, D. C. Gooding and R. C. K. Chan(2018). Trajectories of schizotypy and their emotional and social functioning: An 18-month follow-up study. Schizophrenia Research, 193, 384-390. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2017.07.038 (#co-first author)

2.Wang, Y., Z. Li, W. H. Liu, X. H. Wei, X. Q. Jiang, S. S. Y. Lui, S. Ho-Wai So, E. F. C. Cheung, M. Debbane and R. C. K. Chan (2018). Negative Schizotypy and Altered Functional Connectivity During Facial Emotion Processing. Schizophrenia Bulletin. doi:10.1093/schbul/sby036

3.Liu, W. H.*, V. Valton, L. Z. Wang, Y. H. Zhu and J. P. Roiser (2017). Association between habenula dysfunction and motivational symptoms in unmedicated major depressive disorder. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 12(9), 1520-1533. doi:10.1093/scan/nsx074(Corresponding author)

4.Wang, Y. Y., H. S. Shi, W. H. Liu, C. Yan, Y. Wang, C. D. Chiu, S. H. So, S. S. Y. Lui, E. F. C. Cheung and R. C. K. Chan(2017). Invariance of factor structure of the 21-item Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI-21) over time and across samples. Psychiatry Research, 254, 190-197. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2017.04.053

5.Shi, L. J., W. H. Liu, H. S. Shi, C. Yan, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, E. F. C. Cheung, and R. C. K. Chan.  (2017). Co-occurrence of autistic and schizotypal traits and its association with emotional and psychosocial function in Chinese college students. Psychiatry Research, 248, 64-70. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2016.12.021

6.Wen-hua Liu, Jonathan P. Roiser, Ling-zhi Wang, Yu-hua Zhu, Jia Huang, David L. Neumann, David H.K. Shum, Eric F.C. Cheung, Raymond C.K. Chan: Anhedonia is associated with blunted reward sensitivity in first-degree relatives of patients with major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 11/2015; 190., DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2015.10.050

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